The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) is a program which was developed by the 78th Texas State Legislature (and modified in 2013) under which all undergraduate students, who are not exempt, are required to take the TSI Assessment.  Beginning January 11, 2021, the TSI Assessment changed to version 2 and is commonly referred to as the TSIA2.

The basic skills tested are reading, writing and mathematics. The writing component includes an essay. Students who fail a section of the TSI Assessment may be required to enroll in a developmental course(s) in that area.

IMPORTANT!  Students who do not have test scores on file will not be allowed to register for classes, unless they are exempt. Therefore, prospective students should provide proof of an exemption or schedule to take the TSI Assessment (TSIA2) as soon as possible so that scores will be available in time for orientation and registration.

Check your specific TSI status on WebWorld:  Current MSU students and newly admitted students can check their TSI status on WebWorld through the MSU Portal.  Login and then on the left side under QuickLaunch Navigation, click on Student Records, then View Holds.

Already taken the TSI or TSIA2 Assessment elsewhere?  Send an email with your full name, MSU ID number, and date of birth to and we will search the online database for your scores.  (NOTE: Do not email if you tested at Midwestern State University.) 



Passing Score Levels
TSI Assessment (TSIA2)
(beginning January 11, 2021)


TSIA2 Math of 950-990
TSI2 Math of 910-949 and TSIA2 Math Diagnostic of 6


TSIA2 English Language Arts & Reading of 945-990 and TSIA2 WritePlacer (essay) of 5-8
TSIA2 English Language Arts & Reading of 910-944 and TSIA2 Writeplacer (essay) of 5-8 and TSIA2 English Language Arts & Reading Diagnostic of 5-6

TSI Assessment (TSIA)
(prior to January 11, 2021)

Reading - 351
Mathematics - 350

Writing score of at least 340 and an essay of at least 4; OR
Writing score of less than 340, and an ABE diagnostic level of at least 4, and an essay of at least 5

  • Midwestern State University is an official testing site for the TSI Assessment (TSIA2).
  • Students taking the TSI Assessment (TSIA2) at MSU should ask the Testing Office to send their scores to the MSU Registrar's Office.
  • Students taking the TSI Assessment at any other Texas college or university will need to send an email with full name, MSU ID number, and date of birth to and we will search the online database for the scores.  (NOTE: Do not email if tested at Midwestern State University.)  (Student copies and faxes are not considered official.)



Students are exempt from TSI requirements if they meet any of the following:

  1. ACT
    1. ACT administered prior to February 15,2023: composite score of 23 or higher, with individual math and/or English scores of no less than 19.  ACT scores can be no more than five years old.  (Meeting the composite and English scores will exempt students from the English Language Arts & Reading section of the TSIA2.)  Students are responsible for taking the TSI Assessment (TSIA2) in areas from which they are not exempt.
    2. ACT administered on or after February 15, 2023: a combined score of 40 on the English and Reading (E+R) tests shall be exempt for both reading and writing or ELAR sections of the TSI Assessment. A score of 22 on the mathematics test shall be exempt for the mathematics section of the TSI Assessment. There is no composite score.

  2. SAT (taken March 2016 and after) – score of 480 or higher on the Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing and/or a 530 or higher on the Math section.  (Scores no more than 5 years old.)  Residual SAT cannot be used for exemption.  Students must take the TSI Assessment (TSIA2) for sections from which they are not exempt. 
  3. Texas College Bridge Certificate of Completion in English and/or Math.

  4. STAAR Algebra II, English III reading, and/or English III writing at the Final Recommended Level II performance standard.  (For Algebra II, this is a score of at least 4000.  For English III reading and writing when taken separately, this is a score of at least 2000 each; when English III reading and writing is combined, this is a score of at least 4000.)  STAAR scores can be no more than five years old.  Students are responsible for taking the TSI Assessment (TSIA2) in areas from which they are not exempt.

  5. High School Equivalency Test:
    1. GED Mathematical Reasoning subject test score of no less than 165; and/or Reasoning Through Language Arts subject test of no less than 165.  (Scores no more than 5 years old.)  Students must take the TSI Assessment (TSIA2) for sections from which they are not exempt.
    2. HiSET Mathematics subject test score of no less than 15; and/or Reading and Writing subject tests of no less than 15 each, including a minimum score of 4 on the essay.  (Scores no more than 5 years old.)  Students must take the TSI Assessment (TSIA2) for sections from which they are not exempt.

  6. Students who have an associate or bachelor's degree earned from an accredited college or university.

  7. Military Service:
    1. Students who are serving in the state of Texas as active duty members of the Armed Forces of the United States are TSI exempt. Official documentation of active duty status for the enrollment period is required. Students must file a Verification of Active Duty form each semester which can be obtained in the Base Education Office.
    2. Students who are on active duty in the Texas National Guard are TSI exempt.  A verification letter from the Unit Administrator, is required each semester.
    3. Students who are members of a reserve component of the armed forces for at least 3 years preceding enrollment are TSI exempt.  A verification letter from the Unit Administrator, is required each semester.
    4. Students who on or after August 1, 1990, were honorably discharged, retired, or released from active duty as a member of the U.S. armed forces, Texas National Guard, or member of reserve component are TSI exempt.  A copy of the DD214 form showing this status is required.

  8. Students who are transferring to MSU from an accredited college or university may meet sections of the Texas Success Initiative based on a grade of C or better in courses that are equivalent to the following courses at MSU:  (Note:  Transcripts should be submitted to MSU as soon as possible.  Official evaluation must be completed to determine course equivalencies before a TSI waiver will be granted.)

      ENGL 1143, 1153 - Academic Research & Writing and Intro to Reading & Writing about Literature
      ENGL 1113, 1123 - Rhetoric & Composition

      ECON 1333, 2333, 2433 - General, Macro, or Micro Economics
      ENGL Literature (American, British, World)
      ENGL 1143, 1153 - Academic Research & Writing and Intro to Reading & Writing about Literature
      ENGL 1113, 1123 - Rhetoric & Composition
      HIST 1133, 1233 - United States History
      HIST 1333, 1433 - Western Civilization
      POLS 1333, 1433 - American Government
      PSYC 1103 - General Psychology
      SOCL 1133 - Introduction to Sociology

      MATH 1053 - Contemporary Math
      MATH 1203 - Math Analysis for Business
      MATH 1233 - College Algebra
      MATH 1433 - Trigonometry
      MATH 1534 - Precalculus
      Or higher level mathematics courses for which these are prerequisites.

    *Some international courses may not meet these requirements.

    Students who believe they meet one of the exemptions, should be sure that the appropriate test scores/transcripts are submitted to MSU as soon as possible.

    Students previously considered TSI exempt/complete from another Texas state institution will not have to meet TSI requirements.



Follow these steps to complete this important requirement in your transition to MSU Texas!

STEP 1: Complete the TSIA2 Registration Form. Be prepared to enter your Mustangs ID and date of birth for identification purposes. You should also know which sections of the TSI you are required to take; you can quickly check your TSI status on WebWorld by viewing your holds. [TIP: Current MSU students and newly admitted students can get to WebWorld through the MSU Portal.  Login and then on the left side under QuickLaunch Navigation, click on Student Records, then View Holds.] Click here to register for the TSIA2.

STEP 2: Complete the Pre-Assessment Activity on the Accuplacer webpage. You will need to create a student account in order to do the Pre-Assessment activity. When prompted to “Choose a Practice Test,” select “Texas Success Initiative 2.0 Pre-Assessment Activity (TSIA2 – PAA).” You must complete the entire Pre-Assessment activity -- regardless of the sections of the test you intend to take. Ready to get started? Go to
TIPS: We recommend using Google Chrome for the Pre-Assessment. Be sure to save the completion certificate you receive, but do not send us the certificate or results directly. Select Midwestern State University as the institution.

 Pre-Assessment Activity

 STEP 3: Payment instructions. The link below will take you to the Touchnet payment system.

  1. On the payment page, leave the "1" in the Quantity box, unless you are paying for more than one student. Click "Add to Cart."
  2. Select the option for which TSIA2 section(s) you will take and add your FULL name -- first and last.
  3. Finally, click Check Out to make your payment with a credit card or electronic check (ACH)! 

Ready to pay? Click here to pay MSU Texas via Touchnet.

If you have any questions or need assistance, email

Taking the TSI Assessment (TSIA2) during the week prior to the start of the semester, may require late registration and/or schedule changes. There is no guarantee that you will be allowed to add additional courses once the designated registration dates have passed. Please check with the Registrar's Office if you have questions.



The following courses are required if a section of a TSI test is failing:

English Language Arts & Reading (TSIA2), or Reading and/or Writing (TSIA): ENGL 0043 - Integrated Reading and Writing 

Mathematics:  There are different developmental math courses, depending on TSI score level and student's major.
MATH 0003 - Beginning Algebra
MATH 1003 - Intermediate Algebra
MATH 0053 - Developmental Supplement for Contemporary Mathematics (taken concurrently with college-level MATH 1053-Contemporary Math)
MATH 0203 - Developmental Supplement for Mathematical Analysis for Business (taken concurrently with college-level MATH 1203-Mathematical Analysis for Business)
MATH 0233 - Developmental Supplement for College Algebra (taken concurrently with college-level MATH 1233-College Algebra)

Developmental enrollment in the deficient area(s) is required each semester and summer term, if offered.  If a student has failed more than one section, it is recommended that developmental courses be taken in all respective areas; however, enrollment in at least one is required.

Once the student has passed the required developmental or co-requisite course(s) with a grade of C or better, they will have completed the requirements for the Texas Success Initiative.



Who must retest?

A student may retake the TSI Assessment (TSIA2) at any time, subject to availability, to determine the student's readiness to perform freshman-level academic course work.

If students pass a retest, then they have completed that section of the TSI requirements.  If they do not pass or do not attempt a retest, then the grades in their required developmental courses are reviewed.  When students have passed the respective developmental/co-requisite course work with a grade of "C" or better, they will have completed that section of the Texas Success Initiative.


Students who were officially enrolled in a Texas public college or university prior to Fall 2013 or those who registered prior to late registration for Fall 2013:  Students under the former TSI rules were allowed to take the following assessment tests to demonstrate their level of college readiness in math and English:  THEA (formerly TASP), Accuplacer, Asset, or Compass.  Students transferring to MSU from a Texas public college or university, having already completed TSI, will be coded as TSI complete at MSU.  Any student wanting to retest must use the new TSI Assessment (TSIA2).

If you have questions or need additional information regarding the Texas Success Initiative requirements, please contact your admissions counselor, academic advisor, or the MSU Office of the Registrar at or 940-397-4321.