
The R.L. Bolin Graduate School of Geology within the Kimbell School of Geosciences offers an  M.S. or a five-year B.S./M.S. Please use the following outline as a guide to applying to the M.S. or 5-year B.S./M.S. graduate degree paths:

  1. Review the graduate course descriptions and faculty profiles to ensure that coursework and research focus align with your interests and goals.
  2. Contact the KSG Graduate Coordinator, Dr. Steven Rosscoe, and other faculty to discuss possible thesis projects and to learn more about graduate life at Midwestern State University.
  3. Come visit us, if you can. Make an appointment with the KSG Graduate Coordinator to get a department tour and meet with faculty.
  4. Complete the MSUTexas  McAda Graduate School  procedure  through their  How to Apply Page.
  5. Also submit the Geoscience application form to the McAda Graduate School.
  6. Have three faculty familiar with your work at your undergraduate institution submit a letter of recommendation or a completed reference request form.
Admission Due Date (for full consideration* to start Fall term):
  • March 01

*To be among those first considered for scholarships and assistant ships. We will continue to take applications until dates posted by the McAda Graduate School.

We do admit a limited number of students for the spring semester, but funding opportunities are strongly limited. See the graduate school website for admission deadlines.

Admission Requirements:

Students applying to the M.S. path should have a B.S. or B.A. in geosciences or related disciplines by the beginning of the enrollment period. Applicants whose majors are in related sciences or engineering are encouraged to apply. In some instances, additional coursework in geosciences, math, physics, and/or chemistry may be required as a stipulation to acceptance.

Current Midwestern State University students applying to the combined 5-year degree path must do so by the end of their junior year.  The 5-year combined path also requires  three letters of recommendation that must be submitted to the McAda graduate school. Two of these letters must be from geosciences faculty.  Students must complete all required academic core courses prior to admission to the combined degree program.

Students should have a satisfactory overall GPA of at least 3.00, provide three stellar recommendation letters, and receive an outstanding review of their complete departmental application essays.

Students not meeting these requirements may be admitted into the program on a conditional basis

The GRE is not required; score submission is optional. If you feel your academic record does not reflect your abilities and potential, we strongly recommend you send along satisfactory scores on the GRE (e.g. Verbal ≥ 150; Quantitative ≥ 155) to bolster your application.