Earn Two Degrees at Once

The Robert L. Bolin Graduate School of Geology offers a combined B.S./M.S. degree pathway. This program is for undergraduate students to earn both the Bachelor of Science and the Master of Science Degrees in geoscience within 5 years of study. The combined degree program is academically challenging, and students interested in this option are advised to review both the admission and the degree requirements at the start their third year. Just like a traditional, post-baccalaureate master's degree, participant in the combined program will eventual focus on a thesis topic within petroleum geology, sedimentology and stratigraphy, paleontology, igneous petrology, and environmental sciences.

During the first three years, students who plan to complete the combined degree program follow normal course scheduling. Those students who intend to enter the combined degree program will be strongly encouraged to take additional appropriate upper level classes (e.g. 3000/4000 level) as early as possible in their academic career as well as appropriate undergraduate research and/or independent study opportunities during their junior year. It is anticipated that undergraduate research and/or independent study may lead to or be included as a portion of their future Master of Science thesis.


Bachelor of Science Degree Portion - 121 Credits as per the undergraduate B.S. requirements.

Master of Science Degree Portion – 31 Credits of which up to 6 may be thesis research.The allowed maximum for graduate credit from approved 3000/4000 level courses is 6 credit hours.


Approved by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033