American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) logo


Students are actively involved in a chapter of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) and participate within the North Texas Geological Society. The AAPG is an international organization for professional geoscientists and students. While the organization's main focus is on those engaged in energy exploration, it is open to all geoscientists. It provides opportunities for networking with professionals and offers students access to its vast educational resources.


Environmental Student Organization logo


The Environmental Student Organization enlightens the community and organizes the MSUTexas student effort in responsible environmental practices. They generate, implement, and maintain green initiatives on campus and beyond.


Logo of the geosciences club

Geosciences Club

The Geosciences Club is involved in numerous geology- and environmental-science-related projects.  This includes their most popular fund-raising event, the Rock, Mineral, and Fossil Sale held in Bolin Hall each semester. This  active group organizes and executes field trips, produces research on local geology, and engages in community service. 


Sigma Gamma Epsilon logo


The Kimbell School of Geosciences is also the home of the Epsilon Zeta Chapter of Sigma Gamma Epsilon, a national honor society for geosciences majors. This organization selects students who maintain a high overall and major GPA.  The society also organizes program-wide field trips and activities.