Running a New Degree Evaluation:
  1. Go to: MSU Portal and login.
  2. Click on Student Records.
  3. Click on Degree Evaluation.
  4. Select a Term (usually the current term).  If a term has already been selected, skip this step.
  5. Click on Generate New Evaluation (at the bottom of the screen).
  6. Click the button by your degree program, and select the term (usually the current term), and then click Generate Request.
  7. After the request has been processed, you have three different views of the evaluation.
    1. General Requirements
    2. Detail Requirements
    3. Additional Information

Click here to see a sample page with explanatory notes.


Running a "What If" Degree Evaluation:
  1. Follow steps 1-4 above.
  2. Click on What-if Analysis (at the bottom of the screen).
  3. Select the catalog term as the Entry Term.  Click Continue.
  4. Select a Program from the drop down list.  Click Continue.
  5. Select a First Major.  Click Add More to select concentrations and/or minors.  When selection is complete, click Submit.
  6. Select the Evaluation Term (usually the current term), and then click Generate Request.
  7. After the request has been processed, you have three different views of the evaluation.
    1. General Requirements
    2. Detail Requirements
    3. Additional Information


If you have questions, remember to return to the FAQ page about Online Degree Evaluations.