Sometimes, you will receive an error message when you register. Pay attention to which error message(s) you receive. Common errors and solutions are below.
  • Academic Standing Prevents Registration
    • A status assigned to a student at the end of each term (semester) based on their cumulative GPA and progress toward their degree. Academic suspension leads to restriction on course enrollment.
  • Closed Class
    • The specific section or meeting time of a course has reached its maximum enrollment capacity, and not more students can register for it. Please contact your advisor for other course options.
  • College Restriction
    • This error means the course is restricted to students whose official major is within the teaching college. If you have submitted your Change of Major paperwork to the college, please check with that advising office for an override.
  • Corequisite Required
    • A corequisite is a requirement (requisite) that you must take simultaneously with another course or requirement.
  • Course Attribute Restriction
    • A system code or tag assigned to a course to categorize and identify.
  • Linked Course Error 
    • This error appears if the course you are added has an additional course (lab) tied directly to the lecture. It happens regularly with science courses with a built-in lab (Ex.: CHEM 1411 is linked to CHEM 1143). You will need to register for all CRNs related to that course at once to avoid this error.
  • Major Restriction
    • This error means you have attempted to register for a class held only for students in particular majors. If you have submitted your Change of Major paperwork to the college, please check with that advising office for an override.
  • Prerequisite and Test Score
    • A prerequisite is a requirement (requisite) that you need before (pre) you can enroll in a course. This error means the system does not believe you have met the requirements for this course. It may be that we do not have all of your academic transcripts on file that show college credit for a course. You can check prerequisites in the MSU catalog. Get in tough with your advisor if you believe you have satisfied the requirements for the course.
  • Time Ticket Error
    • All students must have a time ticket. You do not have a Registration Time Ticket. Please contact the Registrar's Office at (940)-397-4321 or