Moffett Library gladly accepts donations of books and other library materials. However some materials may not be appropriate to add to the collection. If items are not added to the collection, they are placed in the student lounge in the front of the library for students to pick up. If requested, gifts are acknowledged with a thank you letter signed by the Collection Development Librarian.

The library normally does not add the following types of material:

  • Duplicates unless the physical quality is exceptionally superior
  • Medical books older than 10 years
  • Incomplete sets
  • Damaged books
  • Readers’ Digest condensed books
  • Textbooks older than 10 years

The library is not allowed by the Internal Revenue Service to provide an itemized list with value for each piece attached. The donor is encouraged to contact his financial advisor.

The library staff does not have the means to pick up donations. Donations can be dropped off at the Circulation Desk or on the north side loading dock. It is best to leave a name and address for an acknowledgement letter.

If requested, books given as memorials will have bookplates inserted acknowledging the honoree.

Revised: January 2016