About Circulation

The circulation department, situated on the first floor near the front doors of Moffett Library, is responsible for checking out items to patrons, reshelving items, and facilitating the borrowing of course reserves from professors. Additionally, patrons can place holds on library materials, which can be picked up directly from the circulation desk.

Card holders must:
  • Present card when checking out materials
  • Return or renew borrowed materials on or before the due date
  • Be financially responsible for damages or loss of borrowed materials
  • Report loss of borrowed materials to the library immediately
  • Report loss or theft of ID card to the library and campus police immediately

REGISTRATION HOLDS may be placed on borrowers with outstanding materials and/or any fees owed for lost or damaged items.

Borrowing Policies

Checking Out Library Materials

Individuals with a current MSU Texas Campus Card, an Alumni card, or a TexShare / Area User card are eligible to borrow materials from Moffett Library. Loan periods and renewal options by borrower status are displayed below.

Renewals and holds may be done online through Moffett Library's catalog. Items can only be renewed online before the due date (overdue books cannot be renewed). Library users with a valid ID, no library fees for damaged or lost items, and no overdue items may place a hold on an item that is checked out.

Laptop Computers - Checkout Policy

You can check out a laptop computer at the Circulation Desk on the 1st floor of the library:

  • Laptops are available for currently enrolled MSU Texas students, faculty, and staff.
  • Patrons with overdue items or fines are ineligible to borrow laptops.
  • Laptops are for use only in the Moffett Library and cannot be removed from the building.
  • The checkout period for laptops is up to 4 hours.
    • Renewals are based on availability and at the discretion of library staff.
    • Patrons must return the laptop and charger to the circulation desk at the end of the 4-hour loan period to request a renewal.
  • Laptops are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. They cannot be reserved ahead of time.
  • Printing is not available from the laptops. Patrons may use the desktop computers in the Library Computer Lab to print.
  • Laptops may not be kept overnight.

Overdue Items

You are responsible for all items checked out on your Moffett Library account.

Moffett Library is not responsible for notifying you that materials are overdue. Reminders and overdue notices are sent as a courtesy. Failure to receive reminders or overdue notices does not excuse you from the responsibility of returning or renewing items on time to avoid penalties. Notifications are sent out via email automatically by the library system.

Note: The library system sends notifications to the email address on file in MSU's Banner system by default. If you'd like to use a different email address, contact the library to update it.

Lost Items

Items are declared lost as follows:
  • 60 days overdue: Items with 21-day loan periods (books)
  • 21 days overdue: Items with 7-day loan periods (DVDs)
  • 14 days overdue: Items with 3-day loan periods (media equipment excluding laptops and calculators)
  • 24 hours overdue: Reserve items that do not leave the library (includes laptops, calculators, study room keys, and course reserve materials)

Lost Item Charges:

When an item is declared lost, you will be charged:

  • Replacement cost of the item
  • $10 non-refundable processing fee

Important Notes:

  • A hold will be placed on your MSU student account until the item is returned or paid for
  • If you return the lost item, all charges (except the processing fee) will be removed
  • For books and DVDs only: A new or like-new replacement copy may be accepted instead of paying the replacement cost. A $10 non-refundable processing fee will still be charged to your account.

Damaged Library Items

Patrons are responsible for any damaged materials returned to the library. A charge for the cost to replace the item and a non-refundable processing fee of $10 will be billed to your library account.

For books and DVDs, the library may accept a new or like-new copy of the item instead of paying the replacement cost.

Paying Library Charges

Access the MSU Texas Touchnet system to pay any charges from Moffett Library.

Patrons need to manually enter the amount of the library fees. Once paid, send the receipt, your name, and MSU ID number to Moffett Library at library@msutexas.edu to have the charge removed from your library account.

Claimed Returned

If an item appears on your library account that you believe was returned, you can request it be marked "Claimed Returned."

To request that an item be marked as "Claimed Returned" contact Moffett Library at 940-397-4204 or library@msutexas.edu.

Once the item is marked as “Claimed Returned” in the library's system, it will be queued for a search to determine if the item is located in the library. When the claimed returned search is complete, you will be notified of the results.

If the item is not located after the claimed returned search, you will be charged for the replacement.

Appealing Library Charges

You are responsible for all replacement charges for lost or damaged items that are charged to your Moffett Library account. You may appeal specific charges on your account in writing within 90 days of the original charge. Written appeals may be submitted in person at the Circulation Desk or by email to library@msutexas.edu

Acceptable basis for consideration of an appeal:

  • Circumstances beyond control of the borrower caused the loss or damage of library materials. Substantiating documentation, i.e. police report, must be submitted with written appeal. 

  • Library error in processing transaction.

  • Payment of charges would cause excessive financial hardship. 

Library staff will review appeals with a final decision made by the department head or designee. The borrower will be notified of the decision in writing within 14 days of receiving the written appeal. 

Possible outcomes include: denial of appeal, charges reduced to a percentage of original charge, or appeal accepted and the specific charge cleared from account.

Loan Periods


Item Type Loan Period Renewals Item Limit
Books 21 days 5 100
DVDs & CDs 7 days 1 5
Media Equipment 3 days 0 1
In-Library Use Only 4 hours *

* In-Library Use Only : Renewals are based on availability and at the discretion of library staff (includes laptops, calculators, course reserves, study rooms)


Area Users
Item Type Loan Period Renewals Item Limit
Books Semester 3 150
DVDs & CDs 21 days 2 5
Media Equipment 3 days 0 1
In-Library Use Only 4 hours *

* In-Library Use Only : Renewals are based on availability and at the discretion of library staff (includes laptops, calculators, course reserves, study rooms)


Item Type Loan Period Renewals Item Limit
Books 21 days 5 100
DVDs & CDs 7 days 1 5
Media Equipment 3 days 0 1
In-Library Use Only 4 hours *

* In-Library Use Only : Renewals are based on availability and at the discretion of library staff (includes laptops, calculators, course reserves, study rooms)

Area Users

Item Type Loan Period Renewals Item Limit
Books 21 days 1 10
DVDs & CDs 7 days 1 1