The Prothro-Yeager College of Humanities and Social Sciences offers baccalaureate degrees with majors in English, history, humanities, international studies, political science, psychology, sociology, and Spanish. The college also offers minors in these fields as well as French and philosophy.
In a larger sense the college provides all students with a broadly based liberal arts curriculum designed to empower the individual with the fundamental language and analytical skills necessary for a lifetime of learning and growth. Through general education courses in the modern languages, literature, history, philosophy, and the social and behavioral sciences, the college thus prepares all students, regardless of major, for future success in a rapidly changing world of globalization and specialization. At the same time the college promotes within its curriculum and instruction a general awareness of and appreciation for the cultural heritage and aesthetic values of our civilization.
The college affords students the opportunity to pursue advanced, specialized studies in the humanities and social sciences. It also offers preparation for professional careers in teaching and pre-professional training in the law. More than $120,000 of undergraduate merit scholarships are awarded annually within the college, owing to the generosity of the Perkins-Prothro Foundation and other benefactors and supporters of the liberal arts.
The college also awards the Master of Arts degree in English, history, and psychology. Graduate assistant and teaching assistant positions are available in these departments, with stipends and scholarship awards that are competitive and comparable to those funded at peer institutions offering graduate degrees in these fields.
The strength of the Prothro-Yeager College of Humanities and Social Sciences lies within its community of teaching scholars. College faculty have received numerous teaching awards and other professional honors in their distinguished careers. Of 50 full time faculty, 34 hold doctoral degrees from 29 different major universities across the United States. In all, they have distinguished themselves through a wide range of scholarly achievements, with some 68 books and over 600 published articles, essays, poems, and short stories to their collective credit.