The Perkins / Prothro Foundation provides scholarships to outstanding students majoring in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Implicit within the foundation's mission is the desire to attract and reward our most distinguished students. Full-time students are awarded $1,500, which is dispersed over the Fall ($750) and Spring ($750) semesters. Part-time recipients receive a lower amount based upon available funds and number of hours taken. Five scholarships are available for incoming freshmen. A student must be a major in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and enrolled at MSU every semester the scholarship is awarded.
MSU student applications are due April 1st each year.
High School Applications are due April 1st each year. Early applications are strongly encouraged.
Click the link below for access to the MSU Texas Scholarship Manager:
English, Foreign Languages, History, Humanities, Global Studies, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology