The following codes represent the target audience of the workshop or training: (A) academic programs, (SSA) student support/administrative units, and (ALL) both academic and student support/administrative.

Upcoming Workshops/Trainings

Curriculum and Assessment Maps: Incorporating Peer Review Feedback and Submitting Revisions (ALL)

  • Thursday, March 20th, 10-11am Moffett Library Atrium
  • Wednesday, March 26th, 2-3pm Moffett Library Atrium

Assessment Reports: Findings, Assessment Narratives, and Action Plans (ALL)

  • Tuesday, April 1st, 2-3pm Moffett Library Atrium
  • Monday, April 7th, 10-11am Moffett Library Atrium

Training Resources for All Programs/Units (ALL)

Curriculum and Assessment Maps: Incorporating Peer Review Feedback and Submitting Revisions (ALL)

Below are the resources included in the training video (access requires your MSU Texas login):

Assessment Reports: Findings, Assessment Narratives, and Action Plans (ALL)

In development - Will be updated shortly

Training Resources for Academic Programs (A)

Curriculum Maps: Establishing SLOs and Course Alignment

Assessment Maps: Defining Assessment Methods and Targets

Training Resources for Student Support and Administrative Units (SSA)

Assessment Maps: Developing Outcomes, Measures, and Targets

Training video

Below are the resources included in the training video (access requires your MSU Texas login):