- Overview
- Core Assessment
- Assessment Schedule
- AAC&U Rubrics and Reporting Spreadsheets
In accordance with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) guidelines, MSU Texas has developed a core curriculum for all baccalaureate degrees. This curriculum addresses the core objectives identified by the the THECB.
The Core Learning Objectives identified by the THECB include:
- Critical Thinking Skills (CT) - creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information
- Communication Skills (COM) - effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas through written, oral and visual communication
- Empirical and Quantitative Skills (EQS) - manipulation and analysis of numerical data or observable facts resulting in informed conclusions
- Teamwork (TW) - ability to consider different points of view and to work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal
- Social Responsibility (SR) - intercultural competence, knowledge of civic responsibility, and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national, and global communities
- Personal Responsibility (PR) - ability to connect choices, actions and consequences to ethical decision-making
As part of Midwestern State University's ongoing core assessment efforts, the Office of Institutional Effectiveness collects assessment data and reports for use by the Midwestern State University community. The Core Learning Objectives identified by the THECB include:
- Critical Thinking Skills (CT)
- Communication Skills (COM)
- Empirical and Quantitative Skills (EQS)
- Teamwork (TW)
- Social Responsibility (SR)
- Personal Responsibility (PR)
Midwestern State University utilizes a rotational sampling method to collect results from in-class assessments for the core objectives. This plan not only reduces the reporting burden on instructors, but also ensures that all core instructors have a yearly reporting duty, and that all objectives are covered consistently in a four year cycle. The proposed targets account for variations in our approved rubrics, while also setting appropriate achievement goals. Courses are grouped by course prefix, and each group will be assigned one objective, of their three or four, to report for each year. These objectives are then rotated throughout the four year cycle (refer to Assessment Schedule tab).
80% of students should score 2 or higher on the THECB approved rubric. (2 is passing on all rubric scales: 3 point, 4 point, and 5 points).
100% of courses will provide data.
You are not obligated to evaluate the work of every student. Each instructor should determine the number of students to evaluate since the scope and complexity of the work being evaluated varies greatly across disciplines and courses. An adequate random sample of your students' work to submit is appropriate.
Please use the AAC&U Value rubrics found in the AAC&U Rubrics and Reporting Spreadsheets tab.
Spreadsheet of Results:
Core curriculum data should be submitted using one of the Reporting Spreadsheet templates found in the "AAC&U Rubrics and Reporting Spreadsheets" tab toward the top of this page. There is a template for each of the AAC&U rubrics. We do not need the students’ names. The average and the pass/fail should automatically calculate as you enter in the data.Save the file using the following convention:
Course-Last name-Academic Year
To enter the overall results for each rubric, use the Data Reporting Form. Faculty can use their MSU email to log in. If you teach multiple sections of the same course throughout the year, you can aggregate the results for the specific course across the entire academic year and enter the information only once. We are only looking at this on a yearly basis. The following questions will be asked on the form:
- Do you report by semester or academic year?
- Which semester/academic year are you reporting for?
- Please enter the course department and number. (Ex: ENGL1113, PSYCH1133, MATH2013)
- How many sections of this course are you reporting on with this form?
- Please identify the core objective being reported on that was assigned by your department chair.
- Please give a brief description of the assignment being evaluated.
- What was the name of the rubric you used?
- Please select the type of scale your rubric used.
- How many of the sample achieved satisfactory score for the assigned objective on the approved rubric? (Ex: A score of 2 or higher on a 4 point scale)
- Please upload the spreadsheet, a copy of the assignment being graded with the rubric, and a copy of the rubric.
Copy an example of the assignment, the rubric, and the spreadsheet with the rubric results and submit the reporting form. You will have to select a file, upload it, and then select another file. The system will not allow you to select multiple items to upload at once
AY 2021 (Fall 2020, Spring 2021) |
AY 2022 (Fall 2021, Spring 2022) |
AY 2023 (Fall 2022, Spring 2023) |
AY 2024 (Fall 2023, Spring 2024) |
ART | CT | COM | TW | SR |
BIOL | QNT | TW | CT | COM |
BUAD | CT | COM | QNT | SR |
CHEM | TW | CT | COM | QNT |
CMPS 1023 | COM | SR | PR | CT |
CMPS 1044 | COM | QNT | CT | COM |
COUN 2023 | COM | CT | QNT | SR |
COUN 2143 | COM | CT | PR | SR |
ECON | COM | QNT | SR | CT |
EDUC | COM | CT | QNT | SR |
ENGL 1103, 1123, 1143, 1153, 2123, 2203 | PR | CT | COM | TW |
ENGL 2413, 2423, 2613, 2623, 2813, 2823 | COM | CT | PR | SR |
ENSC | TW | CT | COM | QNT |
FREN | COM | SR | PR | CT |
GEOS | COM | QNT | TW | CT |
GERM | COM | SR | PR | CT |
GNSC | TW | CT | COM | QNT |
HIST | CT | COM | SR | PR |
HUMN | COM | CT | PR | SR |
LATS | COM | SR | PR | CT |
MATH | CT | COM | QNT | CT |
MCOM 1233, 1243, 2403, 2523 | TW | PR | COM | CT |
MCOM 2213 | SR | CT | COM | TW |
MUSC | TW | SR | CT | COM |
MWSU | PR | TW | CT | COM |
PHIL | CT | COM | SR | PR |
PHYS | COM | QNT | TW | CT |
POLS | SR | PR | COM | CT |
PSYC | QNT | SR | CT | COM |
SCIE | COM | QNT | TW | CT |
SOCL 1133 | SR | QNT | CT | COM |
SOCL 1143 | CT | COM | QNT | SR |
SOCL 2233 | SR | PR | CT | COM |
SPAN | COM | SR | PR | CT |
SPCH | CT | COM | TW | PR |
THEA | TW | SR | CT | COM |
WGST | CT | COM | SR | PR |