Fixed Tuition Plan

Beginning Fall 2024

Eliminate Uncertainty About Future Tuition Increases

Beginning Fall 2024, Midwestern State University’s Fixed Tuition Plan allows incoming freshman and undergraduate transfer students to lock in a designated tuition rate when they enroll that will remain the same for four consecutive years.

The Fixed Tuition Plan is a budgeting tool for students and families.  With a traditional plan, designated tuition may increase over a four-year period, but selecting the Fixed Tuition Plan protects you from increases.

How it Works

Incoming freshman and undergraduate transfer students may select the Fixed Tuition Plan.  Both Texas residents and out-of-state students are eligible, and selection of the plan does not require enrollment in a minimum or maximum number of credit hours.

  1. Choose the Fixed Tuition Plan

Select the Fixed Tuition Plan option online when you register for your first semester at MSU.  If you do not select the option during registration, you can still choose the Fixed Tuition Plan as long as you do so before the fixed designated tuition plan deadline, which is 5 p.m. on the Friday before the first official class day of your first semester.

Students who do not select the Fixed Tuition Plan for their first semester lose the option for the duration of their undergraduate education.  However, if you enroll at MSU for the first time during a summer session, you will have the opportunity to select the Fixed Plan during registration for the following fall semester.

  1. Enjoy your locked-in rate for four years

Students who choose fixed designated tuition remain on the plan for four consecutive academic years, which includes summer terms during that time.  Four academic years is defined as 12 consecutive semesters that include fall, spring and summer sessions, regardless of multiple summer session enrollment (summer = 1 term).  If you do not graduate within four academic years, you will then be subject to standard designated tuition rates.

If you leave MSU for one or more semesters you can resume your Fixed Tuition Plan when you return, but the time you were away still counts toward your four consecutive years.

Students who continue their graduate education with MSU but have not exhausted the 12 consecutive semesters of the Fixed Tuition Plan will pay the designated tuition of the current term rather than the fixed plan rate.

Standard vs. Fixed Tuition

MSU’s standard tuition rate changes slightly each year, versus the fixed rate that locks in at one designated tuition price each semester for four years.

What is Designated Tuition?

Undergraduate tuition is broken down into two components:  state tuition and designated tuition.  Designated tuition is a local tuition collected to support the operations and activities of the university.  MSU’s Fixed Tuition Plan only locks in your designated tuition rate.

Prior to Fall 2024

Fixed Rate Designated Tuition Plans

The Board of Regents approved fixed rate designated tuition plans effective beginning Fall 2014. The fixed rate designated tuition plan is designed to provide students and parents with more predictability when paying for college and to encourage more timely graduation within the four years, 12 consecutive semesters, of fixed rate tuition. (Please note: For the purposes of Fixed Rate Tuition Groups, Summer I and Summer II are considered one semester.) At the end of the fixed rate tuition period, the designated tuition rate will default to the current incoming student designated tuition rate at that time.

When fixed rate designated tuition began in Fall 2014 our existing students were phased into the program in groups using student classifications.

Subsequent semesters have been given a group name and 16 consecutive semesters of fixed designated tuition for all new and transfer students.

  • Fall 2019 - Group 202010 were given 12 consecutive semesters thru Summer II 2023 with designated tuition rate of $135.55 per semester credit hour.
  • Spring 2020 - Group 202020 were given 12 consecutive semesters thru Fall 2023 with designated tuition rate of $135.55 per semester credit hour.
  • Summer 2020 (both terms) Sum I Group 202030 and Sum II Group 202040 were given 12 consecutive semesters thru Spring 2024 with a designated tuition rate of $135.55 per semester credit hour.
  • Fall 2020 - Group 202110 were given 12 consecutive semesters thru Summer II 2024 with designated tuition rate of $140.25 per semester credit hour.
  • Spring 2021 - Group 202120 were given 12 consecutive semesters thru Fall 2024 with designated tuition rate of $140.25 per semester credit hour.
  • Summer 2021 (both terms) Sum I Group 202130 and Sum II Group 202140 were given 12 consecutive semesters thru Spring 2025 with a designated tuition rate of $140.25 per semester credit hour.
  • Fall 2021 - Group 202210 were given 12 consecutive semesters thru Summer II 2025 with designated tuition rate of $145.90 per semester credit hour.
  • Spring 2022 - Group 202220 were given 12 consecutive semesters thru Fall 2025 with designated tuition rate of $145.90 per semester credit hour.
  • Summer 2022 (both terms) Sum I Group 202230 and Sum II Group 202240 were given 12 consecutive semesters thru Spring 2026 with a designated tuition rate of $145.90 per semester credit hour.
  • Fall 2022 - Group 202310 were given 12 consecutive semesters thru Summer II 2026 with designated tuition rate of $145.90 per semester credit hour.
  • Spring 2023 - Group 202320 were given 12 consecutive semesters thru Fall 2026 with designated tuition rate of $145.90 per semester credit hour.
  • Fall 2023 - Group 202410 were given 12 consecutive semesters thru Summer II 2027 with designated tuition rate of $145.90 per semester credit hour.
  • Spring 2024 - Group 202420 were given 12 consecutive semesters thru Fall 2027 with designated tuition rate of $145.90 per semester credit hour.
  • Summer I 2024 - Group 202430 were given 12 consecutive semesters thru Spring 2027 with designated tuition rate of $145.90 per semester credit hour.
  • Summer II 2024 - Group 202440 were given 12 consecutive semesters thru Spring 2027 with designated tuition rate of $145.90 per semester credit hour.

Below are the links that will take you to Midwestern State University's Tuition and Fee rates for current, past, and future semesters.

If you have questions regarding your Fixed Rate Tuition Group, please contact the Business Office at 940-397-4101.

Most files are listed in PDF format. Please visit Adobe to download the free reader here.


Current Semester Tuition and Fee Rates

  Spring Summer I Summer II Fall
2023 202320 202330 202340 202410
2022 202220 202230 202240 202310
2021 202120 202130 202140 202210
2020 202020 202030 202040 202110


 Expired Semester Tuition and Fee Rates
  Spring Summer I Summer II Fall
2019 201920 201930 201940 202010
2018 201820 201830 201840 201910
2017 201720 201730 201740 201810
2016 201620 201630 201640 201710
2015 201520 201530 201540 201610
2014 201510


Please click HERE to see other mandatory fees. 

Fee Information and Descriptions