• Tuition Assistance is a Department of Defense program
• The program is not administered or monitored by the VA
• Tuition Assistance rules vary by branch of service and even vary between different units within the same branch depending on whether the unit is active, reserve, or National Guard
A Military Education Officer works with the student to provide information about the degree program, admission requirements, application process and any military questions as they pertain to the Midwestern State University.
Student is able to apply for admission to MSU at: https://msutexas.edu/admissions/.
How do I access my Tuition Assistance?
Tuition Assistance is processed through the student’s branch of service. The student's Education Center would be able to assist with the application process.
Once enrolled in classes, the student completes the paperwork required by their branch of service in order to secure their tuition assistance.
Please follow the link to your particular service:
Military Service
Air Force Tuition AssistanceSample of approved Tuition Assistance form submitted to Student Account Services
View Sample PDF
Army Tuition Assistance
Sample of approved Tuition Assistance form submitted to Student Account Services
View Sample PDF
Navy Tuition Assistance
Sample of approved Tuition Assistance form submitted to Student Account Services
View Sample PDF
Marines Tuition Assistance
Sample of approved Tuition Assistance form submitted to Student Account Services
View Sample PDF
Coast Guard Tuition Assistance
Sample of approved Tuition Assistance form submitted to Student Account Services
View Sample PDF
National Guard Tuition Assistance
Sample of approved Tuition Assistance form submitted to Student Account Services
View Sample PDF
Receipt of Tuition Assistance approval is submitted to Camela Moer in the Business Office.
Please submit approval by email or fax:
Email: bus.office@msutexas.edu
Fax: 940-397-4302
For individuals looking to learn more about the military benefits and degree programs offered by MSU, please contact the office of Veterans Affairs at 940-397-4305 or veterans.affairs@msutexas.edu.
Information for Service Members Receiving Department of Defense Tuition Assistance
For information regarding using the Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program at MSU, please reach out to the MSU designated point of contact:
MSU School Certifying Official (SCO) Camela Moer
(940) 397-4101
Service members should speak with their respective Service Educational Services Officers (ESO) or counselor within their Military Service prior to applying and enrolling at MSU.
In accordance with the Department of Defense Memorandum of Understanding:
- Midwestern State University (MSU) is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC)
- Individual academic program accreditations are available online at https://msutexas.edu/about/accreditation.php.
- MSU is approved for Veterans Affairs benefits
- MSU is approved for Federal student aid programs through the Department of Education
MSU prohibits the payment of any commission, bonus, or other incentive payment based directly or indirectly on securing enrollments or federal financial aid (including TA funds) to any persons or entities engaged in any student recruiting, admission activities, or making decisions regarding the award of student financial assistance.
MSU prohibits high pressure recruitment tactics such as making multiple unsolicited contacts (3 or more), including contacts by phone, email, or in-person, and engaging in same-day recruitment and registration for the purpose of securing Service member enrollments in non-credit courses/programs.
Students are never automatically enrolled in courses at MSU. Student will register themselves into any courses. When a restriction prevents a student from registering themselves into a course, a student will only be manually added if they have provided signed, written authorization to be added.
Tuition Assistance Program Requirements
- MSU assesses the same tuition and fee amounts to all Service members without regard to their Service component.
- Course enrollment information, course withdrawal, course cancellation, course completion or failure, grade, verification of degree completion and billing are reported to the TA issuing Service's education office.
- Degree requirements are outlined in the MSU catalog and include course information for each program such as number of credit hours required for completion, required and elective courses, and graduation requirements for the program. Academic advisors should be consulted to review the choice for a program of study and to review transfer course work that applies to the program of study. Once a student is admitted into an academic program, they can assess their degree plan online through Degree Works.
- Service members must obtain approval from their Service in order to use Tuition Assistance funds. All Military TA must be requested and approved prior to the start date of a given course.
Tuition & Fees
The Services will provide TA to Service members in accordance with DoD and Service appropriate regulations.
Tuition Assistance funds will be returned to the Service education office as follows:
- 100% if the student drops a course prior to the first day of class.
- 100% if the course is cancelled by the university.
- When a service member withdraws from a course or stops attending, tuition will be returned to the Services education office on a prorated basis and is based on the drop or withdrawal schedules. MSU refund policies for individual courses or term withdrawals can be found on the MSU Business Office website at withdrawal and dropped course refund
Tuition charged to service members never exceeds the amount charged to non-military students. Tuition rates are approved annually by the Midwestern State University Board of Regents and are communicated to the public at least 90 days prior to the implementation of the new rates.
Additional Information
- MSU will issue, at no cost to the Government, documentation as proof of completion, such as a diploma or certificate, to each student who completes the respective program requirements and meets all financial obligations.
- In accordance with Service requirements, MSU will report to the Service those TA recipients who have completed a certificate, diploma, or degree program. Reporting will occur at least annually and include the degree level, major, and program requirements completion date.
- The academic credentials for certificate, diploma, or degree completion will reflect the degree-granting educational institution and campus authorized to confer the degree.
- MSU provides reports via electronic delivery on all DOD TA recipients for programs and courses offered to personnel as required by the cognizant Service. This includes, but is not limited to, TA transactions, final course grades to include incompletes and withdrawals, degrees awarded, certificates earned, evaluated educational plans, courses offered and military graduation.
Page last updated March 25, 2022
• FERPA Information Release
• Student Financial Aid
• University Catalog
• University Dates & Deadlines