President’s Update on the Vice President for Enrollment Management Search

The university’s Vice President for Enrollment Management Search Committee began the process of reviewing and screening the applications of 43 candidates for the Vice President for Enrollment Management position from a national applicant pool early this semester. Ten candidates were then invited by the committee to participate in video interviews. Following these interviews, three candidates were recommended to be invited for campus visits.

The three candidates will be on campus during the next two weeks. An open forum for faculty, staff, and students with each candidate will be scheduled as part of their visits. The forum for the first candidate is scheduled for Thursday, April 5, 3:00-4:00 p.m., in Dillard 101. The dates for the next two candidates’ visits will be announced soon. While I know this is a busy time of the year, I hope you can take part in these forums as your schedule allows. Resumes for the candidates will be placed on the VPEM Search web page the day before the individual visits.

President’s Charge to Search Committee

I appreciate the search committee’s willingness to undertake the important work that will lead to the appointment of the new Vice President for Enrollment Management. The following charge outlines my expectations with respect to the search process and the authority granted to the search committee:

  1. The search committee will develop a statement of desired qualifications for the Vice President for Enrollment Management that will guide the search and selection process and be shared with candidate and nomination sources.
  2. The search committee will adopt a timetable for the search that will permit the appointment of a Vice President for Enrollment Management by July 1, 2018, or as soon thereafter as is feasible.
  3. The search committee will assist in conducting an active national search to attract highly qualified candidates. Members of the committee will also encourage the university community on- and off-campus to nominate qualified candidates for the new Vice President for Enrollment Management and assure the development of a strong and diverse pool of candidates.
  4. The search committee will observe strict confidentiality in the conduct of the search.
  5. The committee will work with the consultant to narrow the field of candidates, and identify a select number for recommendation for invitation to semi-finalist interviews. After such interviews, members of the committee will identify three to five finalist candidates for recommendation for on-campus interviews.  The Committee Chair will discuss recommendations for semi-finalist and finalist interviews with me prior to scheduling.
  6. The search committee will meet with me after on-campus interviews with finalists to recount its work and to present (in unranked order) strengths and weaknesses of the candidates.


 Dr. Susan Shipley's signature

Suzanne Shipley