Main Campus Evacuation

The following diagram is offered as general guidance regarding the most expedient way to depart campus, should a campus-wide evacuation become necessary.

  • Persons in sector “A” (northwest corner of campus) should follow the blue arrows and proceed away from campus.
  • Persons in sector “B” (northeast corner of campus) should follow the green arrows and proceed away from campus.
  • Persons in sector “C” (southernmost part of campus) should follow the red arrows and proceed away from campus.


Patrons of the transit service should proceed to one of the following locations to catch a bus; bus service will be rerouted in the event of an evacuation and buses will not come through campus:

  • Hampstead Lane in front of the Dillard Building,
  • Taft Blvd. in front of Moffett Library, and
  • Taft Blvd. in front of Ligon Coliseum.

Police officers, as they become available, will be posted at key intersections in order to facilitate an evacuation. 

Note:  In the event a campus-wide evacuation becomes necessary, notice will be broadcast via the MSU Alert system, as well as other available media.  All emergencies are unique and situationally-dependent.  This diagram is offered solely as general guidance, should a campus-wide evacuation be declared.  In the event a particular route is unsafe due to an emergency, authorities will make every effort to alert evacuees to avoid that particular route.  

Actions to take upon being notified of an evacuation:

  1. Remain calm and alert others in your immediate area that an evacuation has been declared.
  2. Have patrons and students depart your work area and evacuate campus.
  3. Gather personal belongings that you will need for the immediate future (purse, wallet, medications, cell phone).
  4. Lock your computer, secure your work area, and calmly depart campus.
  5. Notify authorities of anyone who is unable to evacuate on his or her own.
  6. Proceed to a safe location off campus and monitor official messages for further instructions.