On behalf of the dedicated men and women of the MSU Texas Police Department, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our website!
The MSU Texas Police Department is comprised of a staff of dedicated public-safety professionals, whose mission is to support the University’s larger mission of higher education, by providing a safe environment in which to live, learn and recreate. In order to accomplish its goals, the MSU Texas PD employs a community-oriented policing philosophy and actively strives to establish and foster positive relationships with the students, faculty, staff and visitors that make up the MSU Texas community.
The MSU Texas PD is a full-service law enforcement agency that operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The patrol and communications divisions operate around the clock, delivering prompt police and security services, to the main MSU Texas campus. These two divisions are supported in their efforts by additional sections, which include Parking Services, Criminal Investigations, Clery Compliance and Administration. The police building is located at 6 Eureka Circle, on the southwest edge of campus, where Telecommunicators and Officers are always available to assist you or yours.
All MSU Texas Police Officers and Telecommunicators are licensed by the State of Texas and must undergo the same rigorous training, and meet the same standards, as their municipal and county counterparts. Additionally, due to the unique challenges and responsibilities relative to policing in the field of higher education, our UPD staff routinely receives enhanced training in areas of federal legislation that affects higher education, such as Clery Act, VAWA and Title IX compliance.
The MSU Texas PD exists to protect and serve the MSU community, and we take our obligations very seriously. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you need any assistance, and we look forward to seeing you at MSU Texas!
With Mustangs Pride!
Steve Callarman, Chief of Police