Advising for Mechanical Engineering majors
Location: McCoy Engineering Hall, Room 107
Phone: 9403978981
Email: deidre.frazier@msutexas.edu
Schedule an Advising Appointment with Deidre
Advising is a vital part of your educational experience at MSU. All students are required to see an academic advisor each semester. This is your chance to discuss your degree plan and academic goals. If you find yourself struggling in classes or just need some advice on career or academic goals, your advisor is here for you. Advising for new students begins in mid-April for Fall and mid-November for Spring semesters.
Once admitted, all students are considered Pre-Engineering majors until required milestone classes have been completed with a grade of “C” or better.
Pre-Engineering Course Requirements:
MENG 1101 Intro to Engineering
MENG 1132 Engineering Graphics
MATH 1634 Calculus I
MATH 1734 Calculus II
Students that have not yet met the requirements to declare a Mechanical Engineering major will be advised by the Pre-Engineering Advisor in the McCoy School of Engineering.
- Research Opportunities
- Study Abroad - Summer in London (Evolution of Computing & Cybersecurity)
- Clubs and Organizations
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
- National Society of Automotive Engineers (FSAE)
- Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
- Society for Women Engineers (SWE)
- VEX Robotics (VEX)
- Internships
- At MSU Texas School of Engineering, there is no formalized internship process. In support of our college vision, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) Leadership, and diverse scholarship, internships are highly encouraged, if not required. This is because it is crucial to be able to gain experience in the real world. Because local employer support for the engineering program is strong, there are quite a few internship opportunities available.
- International Student-Friendly Companies
- Career Management Center located in Clark Student Center, Room 108
- Resume critiques
- Mock Interviews
- Job and Internship Search (Handshake)
We understand there can be many questions to ask and decisions to make when looking into buying a laptop for college. For this reason, MSU Texas has a page of recommended computer specifications to help you make a decision.
Bridge to Mathematics is a resource for students to get ready for their next math class or fill in the gaps in their math preparation. One of the tools that can be used is ALEKS, an online tool which assesses assesses math strengths and weaknesses and designs a tutorial to address those weaknesses. It is especially valuable for anyone who has not had math for a while or wants to be prepared for an upcoming course. The cost is nominal and is completely reimbursed for engineering students if you bring your receipt for the program to our front office.
Math Placement information, regarding the math proficiency exam can be found here. If you do not bring in pre-calculus or higher credit, you have the option to take a math placement test for college credit. Dates, times, and costs are listed in the current schedule of classes.
Free Tutoring for a variety of courses taught on campus, including engineering, is offered through the Tutoring and Academic Support Program (TASP). Tutoring schedules for fall and spring semesters are available a couple of weeks into the semester.