FGCC is celebrated annually on November 8 to commemorate the signing of the Higher Education Act (“HEA”) of 1965 by then-President Lyndon B. Johnson. This act created federal financial aid programs to fund students’ educations and made key investments in colleges and universities. Many of the HEA’s programs, particularly the Federal TRIO programs, promote postsecondary access, retention, and completion for today’s limited-income, first-generation college students.
FGCC strives not only to celebrate first-gen students’ contributions to their communities but also to occasion systemic social change by dismantling barriers to first-generation student success. Through this intentional advocacy focus, FGCC engages key constituencies in building upon the work left unfinished by the HEA.
Click here to learn more about the HEA, the creation of Federal TRIO programs, and the history of the First-Generation College Celebration.
First-Generation College Celebration at MSU Texas
Thursday, November 7
First-Generation Celebration
Drive thru or walk up the Bridwell Activities Center Parking lot for free goodie bags, photo op and cake!
Friday, November 8
First-Gen Friday Webinar: Equipping Your Students With Tools to Identify and Navigate Experiences of "Impostor Syndrome"
10:30am Zoom, Register here.
From NASPA, participants will learn that impostor feelings are not necessarily a personal and/or professional liability, and that they can be understood instead as both a character strength and a core quality of effective leadership. Participants will walk away from this engagement with strategies that will help them reframe and leverage impostor feelings as a powerful tool for success both in work and in life.
Follow us on Instagram @msutx_engagement to see First-Generation Highlights.
Stop by the Student Engagement Center (CSC 194) to visit the engagement bar for more First-Generation facts!
Check out our First-Generation Toolkit! Download our stickers and email signatures.
Email Signatures