The Spirit Award stands for Service, Pride, Initiative, Responsibility, Integrity, and Teamwork and is awarded to individuals or groups in recognition of their support of Midwestern State University.

Established in 1996, the first honorees were the MSU Kiowa Kooks who have contributed countless hours of service for the benefit of Midwestern and the Alumni Association.  The award is presented each year during Homecoming at the Alumni Awards Ceremony.

The event continues to draw alumni and friends on campus for an evening of good food, entertainment and special recognition.

Outside nominations are welcomed and may be submitted to the Office of Alumni Relations or by clicking the button below.

Past Spirit Award Honorees

Ms. Barbara Ramos Merkle, 2018

Mr. Carlton Carr, 2017

Ms. Keisha Ellis, 2016

Mr. Larry Slack, 2015

Mr. Kevin Goldstein, 2014

Mr. Doug Harmon, 2013

Mr. Nick Gholson, 2012

Dr. Louis J. Rodriguez, 2011

Ms. Sherry Kingcade, 2010

Mr. Mac Cannedy, 2009

Mr. Ted Buss, 2008

The Honorable Woody Gossom, 2007

Ms. Patsy Ramsey, 2006

Mr. Vinney Lewis, 2005

Ms. Ramona Rodriguez, 2004

Ms. Aime Cravens Keith, 2003

Ms. Jan (posthumously) & Mr. Bill Thacker, 2002

Senator Tom Haywood (posthumously), 2001

Coach Gerald Stockton, 2000

Mr. Robert "Bob" Hampton, 1999

Mr. F. M. Farrier, 1998

Mrs. Margaret Stevens, 1997

Midwestern State University Kiowa Kooks, 1996


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