Member Benefits

Join Now! As an alumni member, our goals include:

  • Increase scholarship funds
  • Assist in student recruitment to MSU
  • Increase membership to the MSU Alumni Association
  • Make needs of MSU known to state legislators

 Moffett Library -
 Use and check-out of materials

 Career Search - The MSU Career Management Center will assist with career search needs.
   Call (940) 397-4473 or

     Artist Lecture Series tickets
     Various Continuing Education courses 
     Sporting events (general admission)
     MSU Wellness Center 

• MSU Bookstore - 10% off all MSU imprinted items

 Immunization - Influenza shots at MSU Vinson Health Center (minimal cost)

• Network - Resource to contact classmates

 MSU Credit Union - Graduates or life members of the Alumni Association are eligible to join

Last Modified: 04/08/2019