Our FNP program can help you expand your role as a nurse and improve health care in the community you serve.
If you hold a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and are committed to caring for the health care needs of families, Wilson School of Nursing's FNP program is for you. We also admit master's prepared nurses who wish to earn a post-graduate certificate as a Family Nurse Practitioner.
Our FNP students build upon their education and experience as RNs, expanding their skills to provide primary nursing care across the lifespan. Graduates of our program are equipped for nursing practice in a variety of community settings as well as private practice.
This program meets the requirements for advanced practice nursing established by the Board of Nurse Examiners for the State of Texas. Graduates are eligible for national certification examinations. This program promotes the movement of Registered Nurses into the advance practice nursing role through both theoretical and clinical education.
The curriculum is comprised of 18 hours of nursing core, 24 hours of clinical, and 6 hours of thesis or evidence based project courses, for a total of 48 credit hours. View required courses .
Program Coordinators:
Family Nurse Practitioner: Dr. Catherine Pankonien
Family Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner: Dr. Catherine Pankonien
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