This is an archived page for the 2023 program. The current page is here. 


Pre-program schedule
  • April 7: UGROW Scholar Application Deadline. Follow sidebar links for instructions and application. Undergraduate research applicants will need to apply by this date.
  • May 2: Announcement of UGROW 23 Student Cohort
UGROW Program schedule
  • May 30, 9:00 am- 10:00 am: UGROW Meet and Greet
  • May 30-June 2: UGROW Workshops (9:00 am and 2:00 pm)
  • June 5: Research commences
  • June 22, 3:00-5:00 PM: Posters on the Go Forum I, Bolin Science Hall, main hallway
  • June 29, 3:00-5:00 PM: Posters on the Go Forum II, Bolin Science Hall, main hallway
  • July 7, 9:00-11:30 AM: 18th Annual Symposium, Bolin Science Hall, 127

18th Annual UGROW Symposium

UGROW concludes with student oral presentations to the greater campus and community. Everyone is welcome to see the accomplishments of this year's cohort as they present their work from the last four weeks.

Student Presenter(s) Project title Project Mentor
9:00 Welcome remarks
9:05 Samuel Olatunde A Comparative Study of two Matrix Multiplication Algorithms under current hardware architectures Dr. Colmenares
9:25 Theron Honore Simulation of H-Darrieus Wind Turbine using Fluid Structure Interaction in Ansys Fluent Dr. Pokharel
9:45 Abigail Matthew Membrane Protein Chaperone Prevents and Disrupts Alpha-Synuclein Protein Aggregation: A Potential Treatment For Parkinson’s disease Dr. Liang
10:05 Elizabeth Elkins Traditional and remote sensing-based above ground biomass estimate for North Texas tree species Dr. Mahmud
10:25 Myia Davis & Jessica Walla Better data ahead part II: Two paths, a multi-machine journey to one answer. Dr. Price
10:45 Brandi Morales Which is which? Finding the differences between two closely-related conodont genera Dr. Rosscoe
11:05 Elijah Hernandez Looking at Practices for Students’ Engagement in STEM- Dr. Gupta
11:25 Closing

Posters on the Go

UGROW continues with the student researchers presenting preliminary results to the mentors, students, and others in an informal setting. Students will quickly report data to a 36X24" sheet of paper. One poster per project. These will be posted for viewing. The group will move from poster to poster, students present the project's progress to the assembled.

Blank paper and markers are available in the Undergraduate Research Office (CSC). Be sure to return the makers.

UGROW Cohort and their projects

The following students were accepted by the application review committee for work this summer.

Scholar Project Mentor
Myia Davis Better data ahead part II: creating a new trace-element standard set for x-ray fluorescence analysis Dr. Price
Elizabeth Elkins Traditional and remote sensing-based above ground biomass estimate for North Texas tree species Dr. Mahmud
Elijah Hernandez Looking at Practices for Students’ Engagement in STEM Dr. Gupta
Abigail Matthew Membrane Protein Chaperone Prevents and Disrupts Alpha-Synuclein Protein Aggregation: A Potential Treatment For Parkinson’s disease Dr. Liang
Brandi Morales Which is which? Finding the differences between two closely-related conodont genera Dr. Rosscoe
Samuel Olatunde A Comparative Study of two Matrix Multiplication Algorithms under current hardware architectures Dr. Colmenares
Theron Honore Simulation of H-Darrieus Wind Turbine using Fluid Structure Interaction in Ansys Fluent Dr. Pokharel
Jessica Walla Better data ahead part II: creating a new trace-element standard set for x ray fluorescence analysis Dr. Price

2023 projects

All of the proposed projects are described on the projects page. We appreciate all of the faculty who placed time and effort into proposing projects for UGROW23.

UGROWorkshop Week 23

UGROW begins with a welcome and several workshops that provide undergraduate researchers some background towards scholarly inquiry. For workshop locations: see campus map.

Date Time Topic Presenter Location
Tuesday, May 30, 2023 9:00 AM Meet & Greet Workshop Dr. Price CSC Comanche South
2:00 PM Publishing and Presenting Academic Research Dr. Brown Marsden Bridwell Board Room, Hardin 106
Wednesday, May 31, 2023 9:00 AM Preparing Successful Presentations Ms. Scales & Dr. Miller  Moffett Library 113F
2:00 PM The Scientist’s Notebook Dr. Rosscoe Bolin 115
Thursday, June 1, 2023 9:00 AM Asking Interesting Research Questions Dr. Cobb Bolin 101
2:00 PM Computing on Earth Dr. Mahmud Bolin 105
Friday, June 2, 2023 9:00 AM Fluid Structure Interaction: Its use in simulation Dr. Pokharel McCoy 207
2:00 PM Principle and Hands-on Operations of Fluorescence Spectroscopy Dr. Liang Bolin 304 


UGROW22 information:

Previous year's page

UGR sponsored workshops: 

Successful Presentations Workshop Part 1

Successful Presentations Workshop Part 2 

The Nuts and Bolts of Writing a EURECA Proposal


December 1: EURECA Proposal Deadline for Spring Only.

June 1: EURECA Proposal Deadline for Fall Only and Full Academic Year.  


Undergraduate Research Opportunities and Summer Workshop (UGROW)
Mission Statement

UGROW affords opportunities for collaborative research between undergraduates and faculty in an interdisciplinary research environment.

MSU Definition of Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate research is an inquiry or investigation conducted by one or more undergraduate students, with faculty guidance, which attempts to make an intellectual, creative, or applied contribution to one or more disciplines. Adopted in April 2013.


UGROW was conceived by faculty in the College of Science and Mathematics in 2004 as an initiative to create an interdisciplinary environment to train and nurture young scientists.  The first UGROW was in 2005 and since then, it has offered research opportunities to over 200 undergraduates.  During Summer Session I UGROW students experience the authenticity of researching projects of their choice in a highly interdisciplinary environment. At the end of the program, students present their findings at the UGROW Symposium, and the Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum in the Fall term. UGROW students may also present their research at an off-campus professional meeting/conference if they choose to do so.

UGROW promotes conditions in which students and faculty, who would like to cross disciplinary boundaries, can advance knowledge and at the same time enrich their learning/research/scholarship endeavors.  UGROW is open to all disciplines at MSUTexas.

  • To create high-quality research experiences for undergraduates in all Colleges at MSUTexas Wichita Falls
  • To provide an interdisciplinary, collaborative environment for undergraduate research, scholarship and creative activities
  • To create a pool of talented undergraduates interested in pursuing advanced careers in Biology, Mathematics, Engineering, GeoScience,  Business, Education, Health Sciences & Human Services; Humanities & Social Sciences, and Fine Arts
  • To expand undergraduate research beyond MSUTexas
  • To enhance recruitment of talented students into MSUTexas' undergraduate and graduate programs
Faculty Finder: A Resource for Student-Faculty Mentor Matching

The UGR office has replaced Scholarbridge with our in-house listing of faculty who have supported undergraduate research either within their coursework or by being a mentor in the EURECA or UGROW undergraduate research programs. If you are seeking a mentor for a research project, please use this list. Disclaimer: not all faculty listed may be available for mentorship; the list is updated frequently. Please contact the UGR office if you need help contacting or finding a mentor. Faculty Finder