Thanks for considering UGROW, MSU's intense undergraduate summer research. In UGROW you will
- Engage in a supervised academic investigation with a faculty mentor.
- Learn and share with a cohort of exceptional students.
- Interact with faculty who focus on a broad range of inquiry.
Undergraduate research is an inquiry or investigation conducted by one or more undergraduate students, with faculty guidance, that attempts to make an intellectual, creative, or applied contribution to one or more disciplines (adopted by the MSU Quality Enhancement Plan, Spring 2013)
Requirements for UGROW student participants:
- Major GPA of 3.0
- Overall GPA of 2.75
- The support of two faculty members as references
- Plans to continue enrollment at MSU through fall 2025
- Presentation at the Fall Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Forum
If you are accepted into the program, the following is expected from you:
- Enroll in UGROW 4900 in the summer (zero-credit class for completing the program)
- Attend all planned workshops and meetings
- Dedicate time and effort to the research project as directed
- Present results from your project at the UGROW Summer Symposium and the Fall UGRCA Forum
- Present results from your project at professional conference, if an opportunity arises
- Enter your project for scholarly competition, if an opportunity arises
- Participate in all assessment activities
Instructions for completing the application:
- Check out this year's research projects
- Discuss your intentions with two faculty referees that can vouch for your skills and qualities.
- You will include their contact information on the form.
- Referees will be contacted for their endorsement following the receipt of your application.
- You may include UGROW faculty mentors as a reference.
- Follow the link to the Microsoft Form application
- Complete all required fields on the application form. This includes an essay question:
- Write a thoughtful, articulate and well-constructed short essay about youWrite a thoughtful, articulate, and well-constructed short essay describing how UGROW contributes to your long-term goals. Your essay should address the following:
-- Your plans for education, career, and any other relevant long-term goals
-- How your long-term goals connect to your major and/or minor fields of study
-- Your interest in UGROW and how it connects to your goals and studies
- Write a thoughtful, articulate and well-constructed short essay about youWrite a thoughtful, articulate, and well-constructed short essay describing how UGROW contributes to your long-term goals. Your essay should address the following:
- Obtain an unofficial copy of your transcripts as follows:
- Go to WebWorld/Banner
- Log into your MSU Texas account
- Access your student records by clicking on the student tab
- Save your transcript by clicking on file save as Web Page Only (not Web Page Complete)
- Use the naming convention firstname_lastname.htm to save your transcript. For example, if your name is John Smith, save your transcript as john_smith.htm
- Send a pdf of the unofficial copy of your transcript electronically to; e-mail subject: UGROW application.
Applications and replies from referees will be assessed by the UGROW Application Committee. Applicants will be informed of their status by email.
Please feel free to contact the program directors for further information.
- Dr. Jonathan Price:
- Dr. Sarah Cobb: