Counseling Center Building Maintenance

While The Counseling Center building is under maintenance, the building will be closed June 25-June 27, 2024. However, Counseling services are still available. Please call (940) 397-4618 and we will call you back as soon as possible.

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, call the MSU Texas Police Department at (940) 397-4239 or 911. The MSU 11 AM-4 PM hours are still available for MSU Texas students.

Counseling Center services are available through tele-counseling. Call 940-397-4618 to schedule an appointment.

The same MSU counselors are providing individual sessions to MSU students who are residing in any city in Texas or on campus.

Those students residing outside the state of Texas may meet with an MSU counselor over the telephone to discuss referrals in your state as our counselors are licensed only in Texas.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Midwestern State University Counseling Center is to provide opportunities for students to know themselves as individuals, to form deeper relationships with their peers, and to increase their wellness.  The staff of the MSU Counseling Center provides these opportunities through individual and group counseling services, consultation, and mental health educational programs focused on key student development issues and reflecting concern for holistic health and wellness.  As providers of mental health services to the student population, the staff is guided by the highest professional and ethical standards of their professions.  Our personal,academic, and career counseling services are directed towards enhancing the skills which students bring with them to MSU and encouraging the development of skills which will increase their success both at MSU and beyond.

t a o logo

TAO is a multilevel online therapy tool. TAO can be used in the context of therapy or self-help. It has help videos and self-help material to aid in one's journey of personal growth. It also has mood surveys so you can see how you are feeling from week to week.

Access TAO

Meeting the Counseling Needs of MSU Students


Corner of Hampstead and Louis J. Rodriguez Drive 

8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday