The Think About It program is designed for MSU students to learn about healthy relationships, partying smart, sex in college, preventing sexual violence, and bystander intervention. The program utilizes realistic scenarios, interactive exercises, and guided self-reflection.
What is Think About It?
As part of our commitment to creating a safe and supportive educational environment for our students, new undergraduate students at MSU are required to complete an online training program called "Think About It".
"Think About It" is part of MSU's comprehensive awareness and prevention program for students and consists of TWO modules: sexual assault prevention and alcohol awareness for Undergraduates.
These online modules will empower students to examine the important and interconnected issues of healthy relationships, partying smart, and preventing sexual violence through a variety of interactive, realistic scenarios and guided self-reflection. Each module contains two parts. Students must complete both modules for the Think About It program.
Each module is informative and engaging, and takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. A module must be completed in one sitting.
All new undergraduate students attending Midwestern State University are required to complete the "Think About It" program. The program must be completed prior to class registration for future semesters. So, don't delay, complete "Think About It" today.