The MSU Portal will get you everywhere you need to go, including your online classes in D2L.
Your username is in the following format: [first initial + middle initial + 12 characters of last name + ####]
#### are the first 4 characters of your date of birth.
Your password is your Mustangs ID followed by an exclamation mark.
Here are some examples of student usernames:
Name | Date of Birth | Username |
Joseph B Smithson | 12/05/1995 | jbsmithson1205 |
Robert T Jones | 01/03/1998 | rtjones0103 |
Edward Q Epps | 04/09/2001 | eqepps0409 |
Once you're logged into the MSU Portal, click the D2L icon on the left-hand side (under Launchpad) to access your D2L courses.
Log in to the MSU Portal using your MSU login and password. D2L will use the same credentials.
If you still have problems logging into D2L, please submit a problem report or call 940-397-3000 (M-F until 5 pm only)
If you are having problems logging into the MSU portal, please visit the MSU Helpdesk webpage or contact IT at helpdesk@msutexas.edu
If you are having problems logging into the MSU portal, please visit the MSU Helpdesk webpage or contact IT at helpdesk@msutexas.edu