Texas requires Educator Preparation Programs to have additional admissions processes for programs that prepare candidates to become teachers, school counselors, educational diagnosticians, principals and superintendents. These requirements are outlined on the West College of Education & Professional Studies (WCOEPSPS) EPP Admissions Page.
Pursuant to 19 TAC §227.1(b) and to TEC §22.083 and TEC §22.0835, candidates must undergo a criminal history background check prior to clinical teaching and prior to employment as an educator.
Pursuant to 19 TAC §249.16, WCOEPS has a right to request a criminal history evaluation letter from Texas Education Agency. Candidates and potential candidates who have been convicted of an offence may become ineligible to be certified or to be employed in a certified required position in the state of Texas.
More detailed information can be found in the WCOEPS + TEA Background Check and Criminal History Notifications.
As an Educator Preparation Program (EPP) in the state of Texas, WCOEPS reserves the right to verify the equivalency of coursework and training received by prospective candidates for any program requirements. Prospective candidates must provide documentation of prior academic coursework and/or relevant training (such as, transcripts and certifications) with their application portfolio during the process of admission to the EPP. Teaching experience without certification will not count toward certification or toward coursework after admission into EPP.
Per Title 19 TAC §228.35(a)(5)(A) military service members or military veteran candidates may receive course credit for verified military service, training or education toward the training, education, work experience, or related requirements (other than certification examinations) for educator certification requirements, provided that the military service, training, or education is directly related to the certification being sought. If you qualify, you will have your experience aligned with curriculum/coursework to identify appropriate credit toward your degree and certification.
Per Title 19 TAC §228.35(a)(5)(B), teacher candidates admitted into WCOEPS EPP who are not military service members or military veterans may substitute prior or ongoing service, training, or education provided that the experience, education, or training is not also counted as a part of an internship, clinical teaching, or practicum requirements. Training or education sought to be substitutes for WCOEPS coursework must be provided by an approved EPP or an accredited institution of higher education within the past five years, and must be directly related to the certification being sought. If you qualify, you will have your experience aligned with curriculum/coursework to identify appropriate credit toward your degree and certification.
Pursuant to 19 TAC §227.10(f), applicants with credentials earned outside the United States must have their credit evaluated by an accrediting organization recognized by Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) to determine equivalency to the standards specified in code. More details can be found on TEA's Certification Based on Credentials from Another Country website.Undergraduate and graduate-level candidates should contact the Global Education Office for the necessary requirements for admission to MSU Texas.
International candidates must be able to communicate, listen, read, write and comprehend the English language sufficiently to use it easily and readily in daily communication and teaching. English language proficiency shall be evidenced by one of the following:
- Completion of an undergraduate or graduate degree at an accredited institution in the United States.
- Verification of minimum scaled scores on the Test of English as a Foreign Language Internet-Based Test (TOEFL iBT) of 24 for speaking, 22 for listening, 22 for reading and 21 for writing
- If an undergraduate or graduate degree was earned at an institution in a country outside of the United States listed in Figure: 19 TAC §230.11(b)(5)(C).
An educator who has received a State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) - issued standard certificate shall not be required to demonstrate English language proficiency as prescribed above for the purposes of admission into the EPP to obtain additional SBEC-issued certifications.
Pursuant to 19 TAC §249.16, coursework and training offered by WCOEPS complies with criteria set forth by state and accrediting bodies by ensuring the online coursework and training are developed and delivered with the same quality assurance as traditional face-to-face classes. WCOEPS complies with standards set forth by Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), Southern Association of Colleges and Schools - Commission on Colleges (SACS-COC), Texas Education Agency (TEA) and the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).
Pursuant to 19 TAC §227.1(c)(3), WCOEPS EPP publish the effect of supply and demand forces on the educator workforce in the state. A Job Outlook for Initial and Advanced Candidates can be viewed which reflects evidence regarding the job outlook for teachers, educational diagnosticians, school counselors, and administrative leaders in Texas.
The Texas Teacher Vacancy Task Force was developed by TEA under the directive from Governor Gregg Abbott in order to help school districts respond to the growing shortage of teachers in the state of Texas. The Teacher Vacancy Task Force Overview page outlines forces impacting the educator workforce across the state.
Annually, WCOEPS EPP, in accordance with the MSU Texas assessment cycle evaluates data with respect to EPP performance. An overview of the WCOE EPP performance over the last 5 years can be viewed in this WCOEPS EPP 5 Year Performance Report. More detailed data can be found through the TEA Educator Preparation Data Dashboards.
- Initial Teacher Certification Program Handbook
- Educational Diagnostician Program Handbook
- School Counselor Program Handbook
- Principal as Instructional Leader Program Handbook
- Superintendent Program Handbook
Pursuant to 19 TAC §228.70 WCOEPS has adopted a complaint procedure for timely resolution of complaints before a complaint is filed with TEA. The details can be found in our WCOEPS EPP Complaint Policy as well as posted on the bulletins of each level of Bridwell Hall at MSU Texas. For information on how to file a complaint to TEA contact WCOEPS staff or visit the TEA Complaints Against Educator Preparation Programs website.
WCOEPS EPP expects candidates to be exemplary and competent professional educators. Candidates can achieve this in part by adhering to the Educator Code of Ethics, MSU Texas Student Handbook, and other professional standards as appropriate for their certification class outlined within the handbooks. Candidates who have been identified with a demonstrable discrepancy by one or more professor, cooperating teacher, or WCOEPS staff will follow the Fitness for Teaching Profession and Counseling Out of Program Procedures outlined in the West College of Education & Professional Studies Exit Policy.