The MSUAlert system is the primary notification system used to initiate a campus evacuation. There are many reasons why university officials might call for a campus evacuation. It could be from a hazmat incident, a bomb threat, or any other hazard, but no matter the reason, everyone needs to know how to quickly and efficiently evacuate the campus.
Facts About Campus Evacuation | |
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Everyone will evacuate | Can happen anytime |
- Before a Campus Evacuation
- During a Campus Evacuation
- After a Campus Evacuation
- Bus Services
Know your zone: Before a Campus Evacuation, know what zone you are in and what path you need to get out.
Sign up for MSUAlert: The number way to receive an emergency alert from MSU Texas is through an MSU Alert. Visit MSU Alert for more information on how to sign up and keep your information up to date.
Download MSU Safety App: Safety starts with you! Download the MSU Texas Safety app available on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. The app lets you access critical information right in your hand when it matters most.
Persons in zone "A" "Blue" (Northwest Corner of campus) should follow the blue arrows and proceed west down Hampstead Blvd. away from campus.
Persons in zone "B" "Green" (Northeast corner of campus) should follow the green arrows and proceed north down Taft Blvd. away from campus.
Persons in zone "C" "Red" (the southernmost part of campus) should follow the red arrows and proceed west and east of Midwestern Parkway or south down Taft Blvd.
Stay Informed: Continue to listen to local news and University Officials to stay updated on the ongoing situation.
Stay Calm: Control your emotions, take a deep breath, then proceed to alert others in your immediate area that a campus evacuation has been declared.
Take: Gather personal belongings that you will need for the immediate future. (Purse, Wallet, Medication, Call phone, and cellphone charger).
Follow Emergency Personal: Listen to university officials and follow their guidance. Watch for hazards and damages. Stay away from campus until the all-clear is given.
Assist. Help your fellow Mustang's if they need help evacuating from campus contact, MSU PD, and tell dispatch where you are and why they can’t evacuate. If you need transit services you should proceed to one of the following locations listed under the map.
Shelter: Proceed to a safe location off-campus.
Persons in zone "A" "Blue" (Northwest Corner of campus) should follow the blue arrows and proceed west down Hampstead Blvd. away from campus.
Persons in zone "B" "Green" (Northeast corner of campus) should follow the green arrows and proceed north down Taft Blvd. away from campus.
Persons in zone "C" "Red" (the southernmost part of campus) should follow the red arrows and proceed west and east of Midwestern Parkway or south down Taft Blvd.
Stay Informed: Continue to listen to local news and university officials to stay updated about the evacuation.
Contact Your Family and Loved Ones: Let your family and close friends know that you're okay, so they can help spread the word. Text messages or social media are more reliable forms of communication than phone calls.
Follow Emergency Personnel: Listen to university officials and follow their guidance.
Persons in need of the transit service should proceed to one of the following locations to catch a bus; bus service will be rerouted in the event of an evacuation, and buses will not come through campus:
- Hampstead Lane in front of the Dillard Building.
- Taft Blvd. in front of Moffett Library.
- Taft Blvd. in front of Ligon Coliseum.
Police officers, as they become available, will be posted at key intersections in order to facilitate evacuation.