Graduation is quickly approaching. A couple of things to keep in mind:
- Application for Graduation. In order to graduate, you will need to apply for graduation. One of the primary purposes for this application is to trigger a degree audit to ensure that you have completed the required coursework. Information regarding application for graduation is available on the Registrar’s webpage Apply for Graduation. Please keep in mind that applications are due earlier than one would think. For example, May graduates typically need to apply early in the fall semester of their senior year. Deadlines for graduation application are provided on the academic calendar.
- Undergraduate Comprehensive Exam in Psychology (UCEP). Graduating seniors will complete a final examination covering the breadth of psychology coursework completed while pursuing their degree. Students will be notified regarding the exam after filing for graduation. Additional information regarding the exam and performance scholarships can be found on the exit exam webpage.
- Participate in Senior Walk. Typically, graduating seniors are invited to participate in Senior Walk the Friday before graduation. Just prior to the walk, graduating psychology majors will meet and scholarships for performance on the UCEP will be awarded. Afterwards, all graduating seniors will joins others from the college and participate in MSU graduation traditions.
- Stay Involved. After you take your next steps, please stay involved. You will have a number of opportunities to stay in contact with the university (i.e., alumni surveys, periodic emails from the department). More importantly, keep in contact. Your faculty would love to hear where you are and what you are doing. Your story may be just what another student needs to stay motivated or it may inspire another student’s career choice. You may be the means of helping a fellow alum land an internship or job! Join the Alumni Association