<Please note that there have been several changes to the anticipated course schedule, especially in the anticipated courses being taught in summer terms.>
In order to better help you prepare your progression through the degree, the following information is provided as a general guideline. It is important to keep a few things in mind:
- This is not an official guarantee of courses. The actual courses provided in a given semester depend upon available faculty and department resources. Therefore, the courses listed here are anticipated to be offered in the indicated semester.
- Course progression. It is very important to note that some courses carry prerequisites. (Click here to see course descriptions, including prerequisite requirements.) With that in mind, it is important to take General Psychology II, Writing in Psychology, and Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences early in our academic careers.
- Don’t wait. Although multiple courses may be offered in a single semester, do not plan to take four or five psychology courses in a single semester. Due to classroom availability and other scheduling considerations, advanced courses may be offered at conflicting times. Although we try to minimize overlapping scheduling, there will be some semesters that it cannot be avoided. The best approach is to consistently register for two or three psychology courses a semester starting your sophomore year. Also, you would be wise to complete three elective classes, one in each area, during your junior and senior years. Specific psychology degree requirements are provided here.
- If you are unsure what the requirements for your major are, please see the menu on the left for Degree Options.
Anticipated Course Offerings
Fall - Even Years
PSYC 1103 - General Psych (PC)
PSYC 2203 - Gen Psych II (PC)
PSYC 3233 - Dev Psych (AC)
PSYC 3303 - Writing in Psych (PC)
PSYC 3314 - Statistics (PC)
PSYC 3853 - Health Psych (CC)
PSYC 4003 - Learning (AC)
PSYC 4103 - Clinical Psych (CC)
PSYC 4113 - I/O Psych (AC)
PSYC 4503 - Tests and Eval (PC)
PSYC 4801 - Senior Thesis I (CC)
PSYC 4802 - Senior Thesis II (CC)
PSYC 4903 - Internship (CC)Spring - Odd Years
PSYC 1103 - General Psych (PC)
PSYC 2203 - General Psych II (PC)
PSYC 3233 - Dev. Psych (AC)
PSYC 3303 - Writing in Psych (PC)
PSYC 3314 - Statistics (PC)
PSYC 3503 - Social Psych (AC)
PSYC 3513 - Substance Abuse (CC)
PSYC 3603 - Abnormal Psych (CC)
PSYC 3703 - Theories of Mot. (AC)
PSYC 4703 - Research Methods (PC)
PSYC 4801 - Senior Thesis I (CC)
PSYC 4802 - Senior Thesis II (CC)
Summer - Odd Years
PSYC 1103 - General Psych (PC)
PSYC 3233 - Dev. Psych (AC)
PSYC 3913 - Personal Relations (CC)
Fall - Odd Years
PSYC 1103 - General Psychology (PC)
PSYC 2203 - General Psych II (PC)
PSYC 3233 - Dev. Psych (AC)
PSYC 3303 - Writing in Psych (PC)
PSYC 3314 - Statistics (PC)
PSYC 3603 - Abnormal Psych (CC)
PSYC 4203 - Psychology of Personality (AC)
PSYC 4503 - Tests and Eval (PC)
PSYC 4801 - Senior Thesis I (CC)
PSYC 4802 - Senior Thesis II (CC)
PSYC 4903 - Internship in Psych (CC)
Spring - Even Years
PSYC 1103 - General Psychology (PC)
PSYC 2203 - General Psych II (PC)
PSYC 3233 - Dev. Psych (AC)
PSYC 3303 - Writing in Psych (PC)
PSYC 3314 - Statistics (PC)
PSYC 3853 - Health Psych (CC)
PSYC 4103 - Clinical Psych (CC)
PSYC 4113 – I/O Psych (AC)
PSYC 4703 - Research Methods (PC)
PSYC 4801 - Senior Thesis I (CC)
PSYC 4802 - Senior Thesis II (CC)
Summer - Even Years
PSYC 1103 - General Psychology (PC)
PSYC 3233 - Dev. Psych (AC)
PSYC 4153 - Child Clinical Psych (CC)
- PC - Psychology Core
- AC - Academic Core
- CC - Clinical Core