Art - Graphic Design & Printmaking in Great Britain

Credit: Six semester hours
Courses: ART  4743 & 4543
Syllabus: Undergraduate - Open PDF document

Description: This course will explore the historical British roots of various disciplines within visual art and graphic design with an emphasis on the Intersection of printmaking and graphic design. Field trips to the Print Club London, the Design Museum, St. Bride Foundation, Getty Images, and Pentagram Studios will support this historical perspective. This course will meet with printmakers and graphic designer of international prominence. Fieldwork and studio work will be a daily practice of this course. Students will create a portfolio culminating In a series of prints exhibited at MSU Texas.

 Business - International Issues in Business

Credit: Six semester hours
Courses: BUAD 4993 & 4993 or 5993 & 6663
Syllabus: Undergraduate
 - Open PDF document
Syllabus: Graduate - Open PDF document

Description: This course examines international issues in business. Components of marketing, management, accounting, finance, and economics will constitute the core of the lectures while each student will also complete a research paper with the topic decided upon by the student and professor of record. Guest lecturers from the European community and field trips to various British points of interest will be included within the course.


Computer Science – Evolution of Computing & Cybersecurity

Six semester hours
Courses:  CMPS 4883 & 4663
Syllabus Undergraduate: Open PDF Document
Syllabus Undergraduate Part II: Open PDF Document

Description: Modern day computing began during World War II and, unknown at the time, London was the hub of this development. Even the initial work in coding and code breaking began here--breaking the secret German codes produced by the enigma. Students will examine the parallel developments in the UK, US and Germany in the 1940's to 1950's and continue into the present, including the evolving cybersecurity challenges faced by everyone in today's cyberspace. Field trips will include places such as Bletchley Park and the Alan Turing Exhibition at the Science Museum, along with guest speakers from security and law enforcement agencies.



Criminal Justice – Comparative Criminal Justice

Credit: Six semester hours
Courses: C.J. 4253 & 4923 or 6313 & 6413
Syllabus: Undergraduate -
 Open PDF document
Syllabus: Graduate - Open PDF document

Description: This course examines the primary components of the criminal justice system within the U.K. It will examine the similarities and differences of other criminal justice systems including the United States and European countries. This class will look at the criminal justice system’s responses to the historical, social, and political trends of the United Kingdom. The course will include lectures and scheduled field trips focusing on the primary components of the criminal justice system. They will include trips to Parliament, law enforcement agencies, Magistrates Court, and Crown Courts.


Education – Global Education

Credit: Six semester hours
EPSY 3153 & EDUC 3183  or  EPSY 3803 & EDUC 3203
Syllabus: Undergraduate - Open PDF document

Description: One of the most global cities in the world, London, provides a unique experience for students who desire to develop both their multi-cultural competency and their research skills. Students will benefit from international experience as they investigate the ways in which different societies approach education and diversity issues. A study of individual, family, and cultural community diversity, this course is an introduction to education and the role of the schooling in society with an emphasis on educational equity for all students. Group discussions, guest speakers, and excursions to cultural and educational venues provide a variety of learning experiences in this unique course!


 English – Shakespeare In London

Credit: Six semester hours
Courses: ENGL 4716 or 5773 & 5003
Syllabus: Undergraduate - Open PDF document
Syllabus: Graduate - Open PDF document

Description: This course is an experience-based exploration of the life and work of William Shakespeare from historical, textual, critical & performance perspectives. In addition to lecture/discussion, class experiences will include site visits, workshops,guest lectures, & live performances. In this course, you will: (1) explore & examine the historical context of Shakespeare's life and works (2) acquire & utilize an understanding of Shakespearean textual production and reproduction (3) master & apply basic terms and techniques of Shakespearean criticism (4) consider & articulate your views on the variety and impact of Shakespearean performance, both historically and in contemporary English culture.



Exercise Physiology

Credit: Six semester hours
Courses: EXPH 4936 & 5936
Syllabus: Undergraduate -
 Open PDF document
Syllabus: Graduate - Open PDF document.

This course will allow students to investigate preventative health ae through exercise programming in the United Kingdom.  Healthcare professionals in both U.K. and the U.S. are urged to prescribe “Exercise Medicine.”  Thus, Exercise Physiologists are primed to play a key role in the development of exercise prescriptions for the prevention and treatment of chronic disease as well as general fitness and sport performance.  Students will determine the level of exercise physiological adaptation as a medical treatment for prevention and treatment of chronic diseases




Fine Arts - Theatre

Credit: Six semester Hours
Courses: THEA 4393 & 4493
Syllabus: Undergraduate
 - Open PDF document

 "All the world's a stage" and William Shakespeare's words cannot better describe this once in a life-time opportunity to study in London!  This course will deliver opportunities to experience the  "stage" inside some of the most widely-recognized venues patronized by the greatest talents in the world.  The class will provide insightful, invigorating, career building experiences abroad including William Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, acclaimed productions on the West End, class-acts at the National Theater, and unique Fringe Theatre performances. Tours of the Royal Opera House and the National Theater productions facilities are arranged to further your understanding of backstage preparations.  Students also hear from local working professionals as they share their experiences through guest lectures.  Whether you're a theater student, artist, patron, or simply interested in a new subject abroad, this course is your ticket! 




History – World War II History

Credit: Six semester hours
Courses: HIST 4933 & 4953 or 5003 & 5003
Syllabus: Undergraduate - Open PDF document
Syllabus: Graduate - Open PDF document

Description: Because of the unique history of London and all of England during World War II, this course will focus on the major military, political, and social issues surrounding the war with particular emphasis on the European Theatre.  The class will rely on a mix of scholarly lectures, class discussion, and historical field trips.  Churchill's underground bunker in London, the Imperial War Museum, and former allied air fields will be the centerpiece of field experiences that will supplement lectures and guest speakers.   

Mass Communication - Comparative Mass Media


Public Health Determinants of Health Disparities A Comparative International Perspective

Credit: Six semester hours
Courses: HSAD 4006 & 5006
Syllabus: Undergraduate - Open PDF document
Syllabus: Graduate - Open PDF document

Description: This course will compare the health care needs and public health services in various countries. Physical, relational, social and environmental determinants of health will be investigated. Health disparities among vulnerable populations, as well as advocacy efforts on their behalf, will be studied. Emerging infectious diseases will be identified and intervention strategies explored. The role of prevention in health promotion will be emphasized. Guest lecturers, field trips to public health organizations and museums, and tours related to the history of public health in London will enhance this study abroad experience.




Sociology British Culture and Society

Credit: Six semester hours
Courses: SOCL 4883 & 4893
Syllabus: Undergraduate - Open PDF document

Description: This course will take a comparative institutional approach to understanding British culture and society. That is, we will be comparing social institutions in Britain (e.g. government, marriage/families, media, religion, sport, etc.) with our knowledge and understanding of those institutions in the U.S. Other topics to be examined comparatively are sexuality, gender, immigration, deviance/criminality, and even the culture of food. As learning sociologists, we will investigate a new land using our “sociological imagination” to understand those social phenomena which are normally difficult to uncover due to their “everyday” nature. Our modes of investigation will include first-hand experience, class reading and discussion, expert lectures, and field trips.