MSU will accept up to 60 hours of credit by examination, limiting CLEP and DANTES to a maximum of 30 hours. MSU Admissions evaluates AP, CLEP, IB and DANTES credit as transfer credit. 

Credit by examination may be earned through the College Board Advanced Placement Program (AP), Proficiency examinations administered through the MSU College Offices, the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Subject examination only, International Baccalaureate Program (IB) and the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Educational Support (DANTES) standardized examinations. DANTES credit will not be accepted for business, speech, history, English, or foreign language courses.

Credit by examination may not be used to satisfy the minimum residence requirements for the degrees or for honors awarded at graduation. Credit by examination assumes the student has had no formal classroom instruction, as an enrolled student or as an auditor, in the course being challenged. 

College Level Examination Program (CLEP) - Subject Exams

The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) is a national testing program administered by the Educational Testing Service of Princeton, New Jersey. The CLEP is administered in two parts, the CLEP General Examinations and the CLEP Subject Examinations. MSU does not award credit on the basis of CLEP General Examinations. MSU will grant credit on the basis of CLEP Subject Examinations scores according to the following policy:


CLEP Subject Exam Minimum Scale Scores
CLEP Subject Exam Minimum Scale Scores
Examination Credit Hours Minimum Score Required Equivalent MSU course Texas Common Course Number
Information Systems 3 50 MIS2003 BCIS1305
Principles of Management 3 50 MGMT 3013 N/A
Introductory Accounting 6 50 ACCT 2143, 2243 ACCT 2301, 2302
Introductory Business Law 3 50 LSBA3233 N/A
Principles of Marketing 3 50 MKTG 3723 N/A
Introductory Macroeconomics 3 50 ECON 2333 ECON 2301
Introductory Microeconomics 3 50 ECON 2433 ECON 2302
American Literature 3 50 ENGL 2613 or 2623 ENGL 2327 or 2328
English Literature 3 50 ENGL 2813 or 2823 ENGL 2322 or 2323
College Composition Modular 3 50 ENGL 1143 ENGL 1301
French - first year 8 50 FREN 1134, 1234 FREN 1411, 1412
French - second year 6 62 FREN 2133, 2233 FREN 2311, 2312
German - first year 8 50 GERM 1134, 1234 GERM 1411, 1412
German - second year 6 54 GERM 2133, 2233 GERM 2311, 2312
Spanish - first year 8 50 SPAN 1134, 1234 SPAN 1411, 1412
Spanish - second year 6 63 SPAN 2133, 2233 SPAN 2311, 2312
Precalculus 4 50 MATH 1534 MATH 2412
College Algebra 3 50 MATH 1233 MATH 1314
General Chemistry 8 50 CHEM 1141, 1241
CHEM 1143, 1243
CHEM 1111, 1112
CHEM 1311, 1312
General Biology 8 50 BIOL 1114, 1214 BIOL 1406, 1407
American Government 3 50 POLS 1433 GOVT 2305
American History I 3 50 HIST 1133 HIST 1301
American History II 3 50 HIST 1233 HIST 1302
Introductory Psychology 3 50 PSYC 1103 PSYC 2301
Introductory Sociology 3 50 SOCL 1133 SOCL 1301
Western Civilization I 3 50 HIST 1333 HIST 2311
Western Civilization II 3 50 HIST 1433 HIST 2312

Note: N/A indicates that a Texas Common Course Number is not applicable to the course.

Majors in the health sciences should check with their advisers before taking science courses by examination.


Conditions for CLEP Subject Exams
  1. Credit will be granted only if the student enrolls at Midwestern State University
  2. Credit earned by examination while enrolled at Midwestern State University may not be used to meet the minimum residence requirement for that degree or for honors awarded at graduation.
  3. Credit by CLEP examination assumes the student has had no formal classroom instruction, as an enrolled student or as an auditor, in the course being challenged.
  4. There is a six month waiting period before repeating an exam.

Credit will be posted to the permanent record by the Midwestern State University course number, hours, and grade points, but will be designated as CLEP credit.

To request CLEP scores call 1-800-257-9558 or write to:
College Board
P.O. BOX 6600
Princeton, NJ 08541-6600

The reporting school code for MSU Texas is 6408.


College Board Advanced Placement Program

High school students with superior academic achievements in any of the following areas may earn college credit in these fields through the College Board Advanced Placement Program. Midwestern State University reserves the right to change policy in keeping with actions of the Texas State Legislature or the University Board of Regents. It is to the prospective student's advantage to contact MSU Admissions. The following grades may be awarded for the test scores: 5 = A, 4 = B, and 3 = Credit. If the student takes both English Composition & Literature and English Language & Composition and scores at least a 3 on both exams, the student will receive 3 hours for Academic Research and Writing (ENGL 1143), and 3 hours of sophomore literature elective credit. The course and grade are posted to the student's permanent record and designated as Advanced Placement credit.

Effective Fall 2016, a score of 3 on all exams will be required to receive credit for any Advanced Placement credit listed below. Please note that some subjects require a higher score to receive college credit. Those subjects are noted by an asterisk (*) and scores of 4 or 5 are required. 

The College Board Advanced Placement Program exams are administered only through cooperating high schools and only once each spring. Arrangements for the testing are to be made with the high school counselor. Official scores must be received from College Board. AP reports are mailed to MSU in June or July.

Midwestern State University's Code No. is 6408.

College Board Advanced Placement Program Equivalencies
AP Examinations Credit Hours Equivalent MSU course Texas Common Course Number
American History 6 HIST 1133, 1233 HIST 1301, 1302
Art: Drawing 6 ART 1313, 1323 ART 1316, 1317
Art: History 3 ART 3413 N/A
Art: Studio 6 ART 1113, 1123 ARTS 1311, 1312
Biology 8 BIOL1114, 1214 BIOL1406, 1407
Chemistry 8 CHEM 1141, 1143, 1241, 1243 CHEM 1111, 1311, 1112, 1312
Classics: Virgil 3 Soph. foreign language elective N/A
Classics: Latin Lyric 3 Soph. foreign language elective N/A
Comparative Govt. & Politics 3 POLS 3533 N/A
Computer Science A 4 Computer Science 1044 COSC 1420
Computer Science Principles 7 Computer Science 1044, 1063 COSC 1420, 2315
Economics - Macro 3 Economics 2333 ECON 2301
Economics- Micro 3 Economics 2433 ECON 2302
English Language & Culture 3 ENGL 1143 ENGL 1301
English Literature & Culture  3 ENGL 1143 or sophomore literature elective ENGL 1301
Environmental Science 4 ENSC 1114 ENVR 1401
European History 6 HIST 1333, 1433 HIST 2311, 2312
French Language & Culture 14 FREN 1134, 1234, 2133, 2233 FREN 1411, 1412, 2311, 2312
German Language & Culture 14 GERM 1134, 1234, 2133, 2233 GERM 1411, 1412, 2311, 2312
Mathematics: Precalculus 4 MATH 1534 MATH 2412
Mathematics: Calculus AB 4 MATH 1634 MATH 2413
Mathematics: Calculus BC 8 MATH 1634, 1734 MATH 2413, 2414
Mathematics: Calculus BC (AB subscore) 4 MATH 1643 MATH 2413
Music Theory 6 MUSC 1603, 1613 MUSI 1311, 1312
Physics 1 4 PHYS 1144 PHYS 1401
Physics 2 4 PHYS 1244 PHYS 1402
Physics C: Mechanics 4 PHYS 1624 PHYS 2425
Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism 4 PHYS 2644 PHYS 2426
Psychology 3 PSYC 1103 PSYC 2301
Spanish Language & Culture 8 SPAN 1134, 1234 SPAN 1411, 1412
Spanish Literature & Culture 6 SPAN 2133, 2233 SPAN 2311, 2312
Statistics 3 STAT 3573 N/A
U.S. Government & Politics 3 POLS 1433 GOVT 2302
World History 6 History 1333, 1433 2311, 2312

Note: N/A indicates that a Texas Common Course Number is not applicable to the course.


To request Advance Placement test scores call (888) 225-5427 (toll-free) or write to:
AP Exams
P.O. Box 6671
Princeton, NJ 08541
The transcript should be sent to:
Midwestern State University
Admissions Office
3410 Taft Blvd.
Wichita Falls, TX 76308-2099


Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES)

Credit will be awarded in some programs for DANTES Standardized Subject Tests based on ACE recommendations or on a percentile level which reflects at least 50% of test questions being answered correctly. Acceptable percentile levels are generally at the 40th percentile or above. DANTES SST's are not considered as part of the 12 hour limit on military credits. Credit will not be accepted for business, English, foreign languages, history, or speech courses.

CLEP tests administered and reported by DANTES will be accepted according to MSU's published CLEP guidelines. Midwestern's school code is 9870.


International Baccalaureate Program

Midwestern State University's prospective students who earn the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma are offered unconditional admission status to MSU. Scholarships will be offered to these students who have earned the IB Diplomas if MSU is notified by March 1, and students enter MSU directly from high school. It is the responsibility of the prospective IB student to notify MSU Admissions. Students from high schools that offer IB courses but not the diploma may receive credit according to the same criteria. An official IB transcript must be sent to MSU Admissions. All IB students must show proof of meeting the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requirements prior to their initial enrollment at MSU and meet published university application deadlines.

Midwestern State University recognizes the value of the International Baccalaureate program and has approved the granting of credit for the IB Higher and Standard level exams when a score of 5 or higher is obtained.  A score of 4 or higher on any Higher level or Standard level exam will be awarded to IB diploma candidates only.

*Any new student receiving the IB diploma with a score of at least a 4 on all subjects will be granted a minimum of 24 hours.


Higher Level Exams: Grades accepted: 7 or 6 = A, 5 = B, (4 = credit for diploma candidates only*)

Higher Level Exams Scale Scores
Higher Exam Credit Hours Equivalent MSU Course Texas Common Course Number
Biology 8 BIOL 1114, 1214 BIOL 1406, 1407
Business & Organization 6 FINC 3733, MGMT 3013 N/A
Chemistry 8 CHEM 1141, 1143, 1241, 1243 CHEM 1111, 1311, 1112, 1312
Computer Science 3 CMPS Elective
Economics 6 ECON 3323, 3333 N/A
English  6 ENGL 1143, 1153 ENGL 1301, 1302
Film 3 ART Elective
French 14 FREN 1134, 1234, 2133, 2233 FREN 1411, 1412, 2311, 2312
Geography 3 GEOG 3003 N/A
German 14 GERM 1134, 1234, 2133, 2233 GERM 1411, 1412, 2311, 2312
History 6 HIST 1133, 1233 HIST 1301, 1302
History-Europe 6 Language, Philosophy and Culture core N/A
Mathematics 8 MATH 1534, 1634 MATH 2413, 2414
Mathematics - Applications and Interpretation 6 MATH1233, 1433 MATH1314, 1316
Mathematics - Analysis & Approaches 8 MATH1534, 1634 MATH 2413, 2414
Music 6 MUSC 3753/1603** N/A
Philosophy 3 Language, Philosophy and Culture core N/A
Physics 8 PHYS 1144, 1244 PHYS 1401, 1402
Psychology 3 PSYC 1103 PSYC 2301
Spanish 14 SPAN 1134, 1234, 2133, 2233 SPAN 1411, 1412, 2311, 2312
Theatre 3 THEA 1503 DRAM 1310
Visual Arts 3 ART 1413 ARTS 1301


Grades accepted: 7 & 6 = A, 5 = B, (4 = credit for diploma candidates only*) Credit for the following Standard Exams:

IB Standard Exams
Standard Exams Credit Hours Equivalent MSU Course Texas Common Course Number
Art 3 ART 1413 ART 1301
Economics 6 ECON 2333, 2433 ECON 2301, 2302
Music 6 MUSC 1033/1603** MUSI 1306 or 1310, 1311
Theatre 3 THEA 1503 DRAM1310

**Incoming students from IB programs will need to take a music theory placement exam for advising purposes.


Grades accepted: 7 or 6 = A, 5 = credit (4 = credit for diploma candidates only*)

IB Math and Science
Standard Exams Credit Hours Equivalent MSU Course Texas Common Course Number
Biology 8 BIOL 1114, 1214 BIOL 1406, 1407
Chemistry 8 CHEM 1141, 1143,
1241, 1243
CHEM 1111, 1311,
1112, 1312
Computer Science 3 CMPS 1023 N/A
Mathematics 8 MATH 1534, 1634 MATH 2412, 2413
Mathematical Studies 6 MATH 1233, 1433 MATH 1314, 1316
Mathematical Methods 7 MATH 1433, 1634 MATH 1316, 2413
Mathematics - Applications & Interpretation 3 MATH 1233 MATH 1314
Mathematics - Analysis & Approaches 6 MATH 1233, 1433 MATH314, 1316
Physics 8 PHYS 1144, 1244 PHYS 1401, 1402


Grades accepted: 7, 6 = A, or 5 = credit (4 = credit for diploma candidates only*)

IB Humanities Exams
Standard Exams Credit Hours Equivalent MSU Course Texas Common Course Number
Philosophy 3 PHIL 1033 PHIL 1301
Psychology 3 PSYC 1103 PSYC 2301


Grades accepted: 7, 6 = A, 5 = credit (4 = credit for diploma candidates only*)

IB Language Exams
Standard Exams Credit Hours Equivalent MSU Course Texas Common Course Number
French 8 FREN 1134, 1234 FREN 1411, 1412
German 8 GERM 1134, 1234 GERM 1411, 1412
Spanish 8 SPAN 1134, 1234 SPAN 1411, 1412


Note: N/A indicates that a Texas Common Course Number is not applicable to the course.


To request the International Baccalaureate transcript call (212) 696-4464 or visit IB Americas Transcript Request

The transcript should be sent to:
Midwestern State University
Admissions Office
3410 Taft Blvd.
Wichita Falls, TX 76308-2099