Phone: (940) 397-4326
If you would like to schedule a virtual meeting, please complete this form and I will contact you and schedule a time. Virtual meeting request for Ian Scalia
Students from Ellis, Johnson and Tarrant County
Hometown: Worland, WY
Alma Mater: Midwestern State University
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing
Q: What is/are your favorite thing(s) about MSU?
A: My favorite thing about MSU is the excellent teaching staff and smaller class sizes. One of the best things about the learning experience here is that you get a lot of one-on-one time with your instructors, which I felt made for a very high quality learning environment.
Q: Favorite place to hang out in Wichita Falls?
A: Downtown Wichita Falls is by far my favorite place. There are a ton of great restaurants and fun activities downtown.
Q: What was the greatest lesson that you learned in college?
A: The greatest lesson that I learned was the importance of finding something that you truly love and making it a career. Even though this may sound super generic, learning more about yourself and finding who you are is by far one of the best lessons that a university experience can teach you.
Q: What was your favorite class in college? Why?
A: International Marketing was by far my favorite class in college. The best part of this class was our final project, where we were marketing a product that is already existing in the United States to consumers in South Korea. Our grade was actually dependent upon the responses of a few consumers who lived in South Korea, making the activity like a realistic marketing exercise.
Q: What are you passionate about?
A: Helping others, no matter what I do or where I am, I just want to do my best to make sure that others are taken care of.
Q: Who has had the greatest influence on your life?
A: My wife has by far had the greatest impact on me. She not only supports me wherever I go, she also is the one who taught me to be okay with who I am. I cannot imagine where I would be without her and am glad that I will always have her in my corner.