What is a Radiologist Assistant? 

The radiologist assistant is an allied health care professional providing a recognized advanced clinical role for experienced radiologic technologists.

A radiologist assistant (RA) enhances patient care by extending the capacity of the radiologist in the diagnostic imaging environment. The RA performs patient assessment, patient management, fluoroscopy, and other radiology procedures. This new health care professional will also make initial observations of diagnostic images, with official interpretations and final written reports being provided by supervising radiologists (as defined by the American College of Radiology (ACR) Standard for Communication: Diagnostic Radiology). 

Radiologist Assistants are supported by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) www.asrt.org and the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) www.arrt.org  For more information do a site search for "radiologist assistant" on any of these sites.  There is also more general information about RA role delineations, practice standards, curriculum, clinical competencies, and RA programs nationwide on the ASRT and ARRT websites. 


For thirty years, the MSU Radiologic Sciences Department has been involved in advanced radiologic sciences education including coordination of numerous off-campus clinical experiences. In a southern state with a population of over 21 million, the current department has the only entry-level Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Technology (BSRT) Degree program in Texas and the only online Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Sciences (BSRS) program in the state. ARRT-registered technologists may earn up to 46 semester credit hours of advanced standing in the BSRS program.

The department also includes the country’s first-of-its-kind Master of Science in Radiologic Science (MSRS) program. With this successful infrastructure, the university is uniquely aligned to provide the advanced academic program and Radiologist-directed clinical preceptorships required to prepare experienced and certified radiographers for this new role as RAs.

The MSU MSRS program, including the RA major, is a “hybrid distance education” program, allowing students the benefits of clinical practice where it is most needed (off-campus) as well as the benefits of periodic face-to-face networking with other students and faculty during on-campus seminars.

The RA Program application deadlines and course sequencing are changing. 

Radiologist Assistant Program Updates

Students will begin clinical courses in the Spring. Midwestern State must have an affiliation agreement with the clinical facility by the start of the first clinical semester. Students must also complete onboarding, background checks, immunization requirements, drug screens, or other facility requirements by the first day of the Spring semester. 

For more information about the MSU MSRS RA Program contact:

Vicki Dillard DHSc, R.R.A., RT(R)(CV)(CT)  

Midwestern State University,
3410 Taft Boulevard
Wichita Falls, TX  76308-2099
Toll Free:  940-397-4337   Fax: 940-397-4845

Note: If you reside in a state other than Texas, recent federal regulations may prohibit you from taking courses at Midwestern State University. Please contact Vicki Dillard, vicki.dillard@msutexas.edu, for verification that your state of residence allows you to take courses from a Texas university. Failure to follow this procedure may prevent you from continuing to take courses and/or graduating from the MSRS program.