The Midwestern State University Radiologist Assistant (RA) Program is changing course sequencing and application deadlines beginning Fall 2025

All applications are due by August 1.

Students may enter in the Fall or Spring, depending on their educational goals and desired course load. All clinical courses start in the Spring. Affiliation agreements, onboarding requirements, drug tests, immunizations, and any other clinical compliance must be completed before beginning clinical rotations.

Students can choose one of two options.

 Option A-

  • Fall start (clinical rotations will start in Spring)
  • Twelve (12) trips to campus (Fall- 2, Spring-2, Summer- 1, Fall- 2, Spring- 2, Summer- 1, Fall-2)
  • Two and a half (2 ½) years to complete the program
  • Course load during Fall and Spring clinical semesters is 8- 10 hours (Summer 5-7 hours)

Option B-

  • Spring start (clinical rotations will start in Spring)
  • Ten (10) trips to campus (Spring-2, Summer- 1, Fall- 2, Spring- 2, Summer- 1, Fall-2)
  • Two (2) years to complete the program
  • Course load during Fall and Spring clinical semesters is 9- 12 hours (Summer 5- 7 hours)

Students are required to perform an average of 24 hours of clinical a week under the direct supervision of a radiologist. The program's total clinical hours have changed from 1440 to 1776.

After receiving student feedback, the faculty redesigned the course sequencing to make learning more effective. The following table describes the changes in course sequencing. This course sequencing considers the spring start only.

RA course squencing
Semester Previous New
Spring 1

Contemporary Trends in Radiologic Sciences (3)

Advanced Patient Assessment, Management, & Education (3)

Intro to Advanced Radiologic Practice (2)

Contemporary Trends in Radiologic Sciences (3)

Advanced Patient Assessment, Management, & Education (3)

RA Clinical I (Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary) (5)

Summer 1 RA Clinical I (Thorax and Breast)(6)

Intro to Advanced Radiologic Practice (2)

RA Clinical II (Urinary and Reproductive)(5)

Fall 1

Research Methods I (3)

RA Clinical II (Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary)(6)

Research Methods I (3)

RA Clinical III (Musculoskeletal)(5)

Spring 2

Research Methods II (3)

RA Clinical III (Musculoskeletal and Endocrine)(6)

Research Methods II (3)

Legal and Ethical Considerations in Radiologic Sciences (3)

RA Clinical IV (Vascular and Lymphatic) (5)

Summer 2 RA Clinical IV (Urinary and Reproductive) (6) RA Clinical V (Neurologic, Head and Neck, Endocrine) (5)
Fall 2

Leadership in Radiologic Sciences (3)

RA Clinical V (Vascular, Lymphatic, and Neurologic) (6)

Pharmacology (2)

Leadership in Radiologic Sciences (3)

RA Clinical VI (Thorax and Breast) (5)

Pharmacology (2)

For more information about changes to the RA Program, contact Vicki Dillard 940-397-4083