Beverly L. Stiles, Ph.D.

Dr. Beverly Stiles graduated from Midwestern State University with a B.A. degree in sociology and social work. She earned her M.S. Degree in sociology from Baylor and her Ph.D. from Texas A&M University at College Station with an emphasis on gender, deviance, and social psychology. Dr. Stiles' primary areas of interest and teaching include gender, deviance, consumerism, aging, death and dying, medical sociology, social psychology, academic dishonesty research, LGBTQ+ issues and sexual minority research. Contact her at or 940-397-4019.


Isaac Z. Christiansen, Ph.D.

Dr. Isaac Christiansen obtained his B.A. from Drake University in Sociology and Spanish, and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Sociology from Iowa State University with an emphasis in Sociology of Development and Social Inequalities. He regularly teaches Global Social Problems, Sociological Theory, Health Inequalities and Racial and Ethnic Relations. He conducts research on health inequalities, development and political economy, and other sociological topics. Contact him at or 940-397-4179.


Amy L. Clark, Ph.D., ACUE

Dr. Amy Clark obtained her B.A. in Sociology from the University of North Texas. She graduated from Texas Woman’s University with a Master of Science in Health Studies as well as her doctorate in Sociology. Her specialty areas include health and illness, social stratification, compassion fatigue, and occupational stress. She is certified in Effective Teaching Practices through the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) as well as in Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching (CAUT). Her primary research interests include social psychology, compassion fatigue (secondary traumatic stress and burnout), and occupational stress. Contact her at


Wes Cohoon, Ph.D., D.Min.

Dr. Wesley D. Cohoon earned his B.S. in Religion and Master of Divinity from Liberty University. He later obtained a professional doctorate, which focused on application-oriented research to address organizational problems—a Doctor of Ministry. After his ministry and theological education, Dr. Cohoon’s interest in people led him to continue his educational journey by studying sociology. He graduated with an M.S. in Sociology from Texas A&M University-Commerce and a Ph.D. in Sociology from Texas Woman’s University. Wes is a Certified Clinical Sociologist through the Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology. His sociological research interests include religion, clinical sociology, disabilities, social identity, and criminology. Contact him at