Invest in Your Future with Financial Aid
Financial aid is available to help make college more affordable, no matter your financial situation. In fact, there are a number of options available, like grants, scholarships, and loans, that can offset a significant portion of tuition costs. So do not be discouraged by the price tag for higher education. With the right financial assistance, you just might be surprised how much more affordable college can be.
Have a question? Check out our FAQs below or reach out to our office by calling 940.397.4214 or emailing Please remember that all emails and paperwork must including your Mustangs ID number to ensure proper and timely processing.
Average financial aid package offered (2022-2023)
Of students receive some form of financial aid assistance at MSU Texas
I pay for all of my college expenses and was attracted to MSU Texas because of its affordability, especially through the scholarship support provided by the university.
Robert Ibarra, Class of 2024
Major: Accounting & Finance
Dillard College of Business Administration
How Much Does It Cost to Attend MSU Texas
In order to set up an accurate financial plan, it is important to have a sound understanding of all the expenses associated with college in addition to tuition. This is referred to as the cost of attendance (COA). Since everyone's needs and expenses vary, we have put together resources below to help you start planning.Priority Deadlines
Did you know that there are priority deadlines for financial aid applications?
Submitting your FAFSA or TASFA early can make a huge difference in the amount of aid you receive. Not only does it give you more time to gather any necessary documents but it also ensures that your application is reviewed and processed in a timely manner.
Plus, who does not love getting good news early? So do not delay; submit your financial aid application as soon as possible and get ready to celebrate all the support that is coming your way!
Historically the FAFSA has been available beginning October 1 each year. For the 2024-25 academic year the FAFSA will be delayed until December 2023.
Fall & Summer Entrance
Spring Entrance
Financial Aid Policies and Resources
Active Change Forms
If you have submitted a request to have your Fall-Spring-Summer awards adjusted or to report nonattendance, please allow 3-5 business days to receive your "revised" award notification.
Active FAFSA Applications
Federal Student Aid
Learn all the ropes around Federal Student Aid.
- You have an interest in learning more about PELL and TEACH Grants.
- You want to learn more about student loans and responsible lending.
- Your parents are interested in learning more about PLUS loans.
- You want to learn more about loan forgiveness opportunities.
College for All Texans
Get ahead of the game and find resources that are available to you as a resident of Texas.
- Explore Texas College (529) Savings Plans.
- Get help deciding if FAFSA or TASFA is right for you.
- Talk to someone at the Texas Financial Aid Information Center Hotline.
- You are interested in Texas Programs.
Financial Aid FAQs
A key to your financial health and stability is being able to accurately budget your college costs without annual tuition increases. MSU Texas sets fixed rate designated tuition plans that allow you to lock in your tuition rate for 12 consecutive semesters (four years).
Refunds are issued to those who have additional financial aid funds available in their student accounts after they have registered for classes. Refunds begin processing on the Thursday before classes begin for those who are eligible.
You can check on the status of your refund by viewing your Account Summary on the MSU Texas Portal.
If you have allowed ample time to receive your refund check but still have not received your refund, please contact the MSU Texas Business Office at or call 940.397.4101.
We can! In fact, we recommend it.
You can set this up by logging in to the MSU Texas Portal. Once there, click on the TouchNet link to complete the Automated Clearing House (ACH) process. You will need your routing and account numbers from your bank. Once you have this set up, your refund will directly deposit into your bank account.
If you do not set up this process, the MSU Texas Business Office will mail a refund check to your current mailing address on file.
We are located in the Hardin Administration (South Wing), Room 102.
(Building 24 on the Campus Map)
Campus Map