
An internship is an academic program designed to enable students to integrate classroom theory into practice in an employment position related to their major field of study.

Internships are an extension of the classroom. The experience provides students with enhanced knowledge in their major field of study, professional and personal development, and the opportunity to experience the exchange of information between the academic environment the workplace.

For organizations, it enables them to take an "early look" at prospective hires, provides cost-effective employment, assists with long term recruiting needs, and strengthens the relationships between the organizations and higher education.

Benefits for students:

  • Provides an opportunity to test classroom learning in a real world environment.
  • Develops professional skills including presentation, writing and technical skills.
  • Enables student’s to see a more direct relationship between a college major and full-time employment while they integrate work experience with their classroom knowledge.
  • Provides a means of earning money to cover a portion of college expenses.
  • Improves after-graduation employment (or graduate school) prospects by providing the student with transferable, relevant work experience.
  • Starting salaries for graduates with internship experience are consistently higher than students that graduate without an internship.
  • Interns are able to participate in their field of study with professionals in a work environment on a day-to-day basis.

How to find:

  • If you are looking for an internship that will provide you with academic credit, talk to your advisor to see if your program offers this option.
  • If you are not concerned with receiving academic credit, visit app.joinhandshake.com to view internship opportunities.

Benefits for employers:

  • A cost-effective method to meet both immediate and long-range human resource needs.
  • Opportunity to evaluate potential career employees.
  • Students can perform well on some professional-level assignments, thus freeing career employees for more advanced responsibilities.
  • Decreases the turnover of graduates in career positions.
  • Co-op arrangements are ideal for technology transfer.
  • Workforce diversity.
  • Fosters on-going, productive relations with Midwestern State University.

How to post:

  • If you wish for the student to receive academic credit, please connect with the department chair in the academic discipline(s) required.  MSU Texas Directory.
  • If this is not of interest, please visit app.joinhandshake.com to post the opportunity.