What is Supplemental Instruction (SI)?

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is an internationally recognized academic success program offering free, regularly scheduled informal review sessions for traditionally difficult courses.

SI is actually a more intensive type of tutoring. It is designed to assist students improve their academic performance just like normal tutoring; however, supplemental instruction is designed for historically difficult courses with a leader that has successfully completed the course. 

Instructors select SI Leaders to guide study sessions for their specific class sections.  SI leaders also attend current classes with students and often get direct preparation from the instructor.  Supplemental instruction focuses on content, learning/study strategies and internalization of course content.


This a table listing the SI sessions for the spring 2025 semester. For more information, please call 940-397-4461.
Course/Professor Session Information SI Leader

CMPS 1063

Mondays 2:00-3:30pm in DB 129

Thursdays 12:30-2:30pm in DB131

Gen Chem 1143

Wednesdays 3-5 PY 201A

Fridays 11am-1pm PY 201A

G.O.B. Chem 

Wednesdays 11am-1pm CE 313

Fridays 2-4pm DB 129

History  Supplemental Instruction is not being offered this semester. Please check the Tutoring Portal Groups for History tutoring and support. 
Interested in Becoming an SI Leader?

Leader Qualifications
  1. Junior or Senior standing is preferred
  2. A cumulative GPA of 3.5 is preferred; GPA of 3.0 minimum is required.
  3. A grade of 4.0 in the selected course is required unless overwritten by the course professor.
  4. Recommendation/approval by the professor for the course.

To become a Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leader, please fill out the application below. Be sure to include a faculty reference letter to the end of the application or have the faculty member email ashley.hurst@msutexas.edu

SI Leader Application