Activity Form F.A.Q.


General Rules

Activity Form Categories

RED Talks, HPSC General Meetings, & Service Events

Conferences & Field Trips

Accountability Measures


General Rules

What are the co-curricular activities each honors student is expected to report on his or her activity form?

Honors students are expected to attend at least one RED Talk, one HPSC general meeting, and one honors-sanctioned service event. Students should also accrue a minimum of 25 activity points by attending a variety of MSU Texas events across any of the following five (5) categories: Athletic, Fine Art, Honors, Lecture, and Multicultural.

Where can I find information about MSU Texas and honors program activities, events, and initiatives?

Details for MSU Texas programming can be found on the university homepage, MustangsLink, Corq app, University Programming Board (UPB) events calendar, flyers posted around campus on bulletin boards, and word-of-mouth.

All honors program affiliated events will be posted to the program’s Facebook page and/or Instagram. The Coordinator will also send out mass emails throughout the semester notifying students of upcoming events. Finally, students can drop by the Honors Office & Student Lounge (Bridwell 112) for information about upcoming events, which will be posted to the bulletin boards.

How many events can I report in each category?

Attendance at no more than three (3) events can be reported in any one activity category for credit. The first event reported in each category is worth five (5) points, the second is worth three (3) points, and the third is worth two (2).

Students can earn a total of 10 points in any one activity category for up to 50 points on a single activity form. The easiest way to earn 25 activity points is to attend one event in each category.

Can events that I attend as part of a class be reported on my activity form?

Students who attend events that are suggested by an instructor for a class, often as extra credit or as supplemental instruction, may be reported on the activity form; however, events that students must attend for a course assignment or project or participation credit cannot be reported for points on the activity form.

Can events that I attend for pay, be they required for an employer or to receive a scholarship, be reported for credit?

No. The general rule of thumb is that only events in which attendance or participation is voluntary can be reported for credit on the activity form. Attendance at events offered for extra credit can be reported as well.

The argument could be made that, for students receiving an honors scholarship, all events they attend for activity points violate this rule. However, honors students have the freedom to choose which events on campus they attend in order to accrue their 25 activity points. As long as there are no explicit verbal or written instructions for the student to attend a specific event in order to receive some sort of monetary award or compensation, then the student may report the event(s) they attend for credit on their activity form.

If I participate in an event, such as a play or a student panel, can I report that event for activity credit?

Yes, but only if participation in the event is voluntary. For example, if a student is required to audition or assume some role in a theatrical production because s/he is a THEA major, then s/he cannot report that production for credit.

Can high school or community events be reported for credit on the activity form?

Yes. Attending high school sports games or fine arts productions/performances can count for credit in the appropriate categories on your activity form. Likewise, attending events in the Wichita Falls community, or back home, can be reported on the activity form as well.

With that said, we prefer students attend MSU Texas events to receive their credit. The purpose of this co-curricular activities requirement is to facilitate student engagement with campus resources and programming, to learn more about MSU Texas and its organizations, which will hopefully enable students to become more knowledgeable about campus while also becoming more comfortable joining student organizations.

Can a single event be reported in multiple activity categories on one activity form (i.e., double-dipping)?

No. Students may not ‘double-dip,’ or count an event for two separate credits, on their activity form. For example, a student cannot report an event for RED Talk and lecture credits on the same activity form.

One exception to this rule is that a RED Talk like the annual Honors Symposium can count for both a RED Talk and a conference credit at the same time.

What happens if I have attended campus events that do not fit into the five activity categories?

Events that do not fit into one of the five activity categories may not be reported for credit. This is more likely to be the case with social events not affiliated with honors programming, such as Homecoming or Finals Frenzy festivities.

Can I report events that occurred over the summer or winter breaks on my activity form?

Students may report participation in conferences that occurred during breaks on their activity form for the next fall or spring semester. Summer or winter attendance at all other activities, i.e., athletic, fine art, lecture, multicultural, and field trips, cannot be reported for credit on the activity form for the next long term.

Where can I find the honors activity form?

The honors activity form (both online and PDF versions) can be found on the Redwine Honors Program webpage on the MSU Texas website, or students may pick up a physical copy from the Honors Office (Bridwell 112).

How often are honors students expected to submit completed activity forms?

Honors students should submit a completed activity form each fall and spring semester; activity forms need not be submitted for the Summer I or II terms nor mini-semesters.

If I accrue more than 25 points on a given semester’s activity form, what happens to the extra points?

Additional activity points rollover for future use. We highly encourage students to build rollover points in anticipation of busier or more challenging semesters ahead. This way students can spend more time studying and making good grades while still upholding their responsibility to report at least 25 points on their activity form for the semester.

How many rollover points can I gain from one activity form?

Up to 25 points.

How many rollover points can I accumulate in total?

Up to 50 points.

How many rollover points can I apply to any given activity form?

Up to 25 points.

Do honors students who are not receiving scholarship funding have to submit a completed activity form?

Yes. All honors students are expected to complete the co-curricular activities requirement each semester while in the program regardless of whether they are currently receiving an honors scholarship.

Do honors students in their graduating semester have to complete an activity form?

Senior honors students in good standing with the program and with a history of successfully completing the co-curricular activities requirement are exempt from submitting an activity form during their graduating semester.

Please reach out to Honors Staff if you are uncertain as to whether this exemption applies to you.

If I am not in good standing with the program, do I still need to submit a completed activity form?

Yes. All honors students regardless of their standing in the program must submit completed activity forms each semester. However, students who lost good standing for failing to maintain a 3.250 cumulative GPA may submit a truncated activity form with as few as 15 activity points. All points earned by this student over 25 will be credited as rollover points. The purpose of the truncated activity form is to allow honors students struggling academically to spend more time studying and rebuilding their GPAs.


Activity Form Categories

What types of events count under the ‘Fine Art’ category?

Attendance at MSU Texas recitals, plays, performances, movie screenings (with educational introductions or discussions), gallery openings, or exhibitions can count for ‘Fine Art’ credit.

Note: Walking the Burns Fantasy of Lights display in the late fall does not count as a ‘Fine Art’ event.

If I attend multiple performances of the same theatrical production, can each performance count for credit?

No. If a student attends multiple performances of the same MSU Theatre production of Dracula, for example, only the first performance can be reported for credit because the production has not changed between viewing's.

What types of events count under the ‘Athletic’ category?

Attendance at any MSU Texas athletic event, such as a soccer scrimmage or volleyball game, as well as intramural events hosted by the MSU Texas Wellness Center or other Midwestern affiliated organizations, can count for ‘Athletic’ credit.

Intramural participants may count each game played for ‘Athletic’ credit.

When reporting events for ‘Athletic’ credit, students should provide specific details of the event, including the MSU Texas sports team watched, who MSU Texas faced, the winner, and the final score. For example, a student could say, “MSU Men’s Basketball (W) vs. Cameron University, 93-81.”

If I am a student-athlete, can the games in which I play count for athletic events?

No, because you are being paid to attend the event in the form of a scholarship; however, any game(s) that you attend out of personal interest rather than expectation can count for credit. In other words, any game(s) attended on a voluntary basis can count for ‘Athletic’ credit.

For example, a student playing for the MSU Texas Women’s Soccer team who attends an MSU Texas Men’s Soccer game to show her support can count that game on her activity form.

What type of events count under the ‘Multicultural’ category?

Attendance at any MSU Texas event sponsored by a student organization representing a different nationality, ethnicity, or sexuality or gender identification (e.g., Black Student Union, Caribbean Students Organization, or PRIDE); the MOSAIC Cross Cultural Center; or the Department of World Languages & Cultures can count for ‘Multicultural’ credit.

Events with a focus on issues or topics concerning different nationalities, ethnicities, or sexualities or gender identities can also be reported for ‘Multicultural’ credit.

What type of events count under the ‘Lecture’ category?

Attendance at any MSU Texas speaking event, such as lectures sponsored by a department, program, or college, or by the Artist Lecture Series, Faculty Forum Series, Red River Reading Series, or Last Lecture Series, can count for ‘Lecture’ credit.

Note: Lectures for which attendance is required cannot be reported for ‘Lecture’ credit.

Can I count panels/sessions that I attend at a conference or symposium as separate ‘Lecture’ events?

A student may report attendance at individual conference or symposium panels/sessions for ‘Lecture’ credit so long as s/he is not also reporting the conference or symposium for separate ‘Conference’ credit (see ‘double-dipping’ rule).

What type of events count under the ‘Honors’ category?

Any additional HPSC general meeting, RED Talk, or service event can count for ‘Honors’ credit.

Note: HPSC subcommittee meetings do not count as honors events.

Can I volunteer for multiple shifts at one honors service opportunity and count each as a separate credit?

Yes, but only if permission to do so is requested from Honors Staff and granted prior to completing the additional shifts.

Generally speaking, only participation at distinctly different honors service events can count for additional credit. In other words, a student cannot volunteer for multiple shifts at one honors service event nor can s/he volunteer on multiple dates at an honors-sanctioned location, such as Habitat for Humanity or the WF Area Food Bank, to receive multiple honors service credits (the surplus being reported for ‘Honors’ activity points). The student must volunteer at separate honors service events or in distinct ways to receive multiple credits unless s/he has received advance permission from Honors Staff to do so.

For example, a student can both take a shift covering the check-in table at an honors sponsored blood drive and then can also donate blood to receive credit for two honors service events (again, the surplus being reported for ‘Honors’ activity points). The student could not cover two shifts at the check-in table for two credits unless s/he has received advance permission from Honors Staff to do so. The student may also donate blood and participate in Maverick’s Day of Service (if it is selected as an honors-sanctioned service event) to receive two honors service credits.

Do Honors LLP events hosted by the honors RA count as ‘Honors’ events?

Yes, but the event(s) must take place on the Honors wing of Legacy Hall and entail interaction between honors students.

Does helping the Honors Program Student Council (HPSC) build the cardboard boat or paint the yard sign, etc., count for ‘Honors’ activity points?


If I am not a first semester honors student, are there activity form incentives for me to rejoin an HPSC subcommittee?

Yes. Non-first semester honors students who have already completed the HPSC subcommittee requirement may request to join a subcommittee again. This request must be made to Honors Staff before the semester begins. If the student is placed in a subcommittee, s/he can earn up to 10 activity points in the ‘Honors’ category.


RED Talks, HPSC General Meetings, & Service Events</>

What is a RED Talk event?

RED Talks (our spin on the popular TED Talks series) are exclusive events coordinated and hosted by the honors program for honors students. RED Talks can be educational, social, or a combination of the two. The program typically hosts five (5) or six (6) RED Talks each fall and spring semester.

Previous RED Talks include student panels on studying abroad or special topics, guest lectures from esteemed MSU Texas faculty or professionals, honors board game or trivia night, and signature events like the Honors Mini-Retreat and Honors Halloween Social & Film Screening.

Can RED Talk credit be earned through channels outside of the honors program?

No. RED Talks are exclusive events coordinated and hosted by the honors program for honors students. Students must attend events designated as RED Talks by the honors program in order to receive credit.

In very rare cases, when a student’s schedule absolutely will not allow them to attend a RED Talk, we will work with the student to substitute an event for RED Talk credit. This accommodation is only available to students who approach us in advance with their concern and who can present documented proof that their schedule will not allow them to attend any of the RED Talks for the term.

For example, if an honors student is conducting clinicals in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex and must relocate to that area as a result, s/he can work with Honors Staff to arrange an alternative to earn RED Talk credit.

Honors Staff reserve the right to deny a student this accommodation, especially if the student waits to inform us of their conflict until the very end of the term.

Note: Conflicts with an honors student’s work or practice schedule do not qualify the student for this accommodation. An honors student who works a part-time job or who trains as a student-athlete can always negotiate an arrangement with his or her supervisor or coach to attend a RED Talk.

If I forget to sign in at an HPSC general meeting, RED Talk, honors service event, or other honors event, can I still receive credit for attending that event?

No, because Honors Staff has no way of verifying your attendance. It is the responsibility of the student to sign in at each of the previously mentioned events should s/he wish to receive credit.

Do HPSC subcommittee meetings satisfy the HPSC general meeting requirement on the activity form?

No. Only attendance at HPSC general meetings, of which there are four per long term (i.e., fall and spring), will fulfill this requirement. HPSC subcommittee meetings are required for first-semester students and therefore cannot be reported on the activity form for credit. Students not in their first semester who have already completed the HPSC subcommittee system requirement and who actively serve on an HPSC subcommittee can receive additional credit(s) for their involvement.

When are HPSC general meetings?

The date, time, and location of HPSC general meetings are determined at the beginning of each semester and will be announced via email and social media. Typically, though not always, these meetings occur the first week of every month. This would include the months of September, October, November, and December in the fall and February, March, April, and May in the spring.

If I have a legitimate scheduling conflict with all HPSC general meeting dates and times, can I request an exemption from this requirement?

Yes. Honors students who have a legitimate scheduling conflict with the HPSC general meetings may request an exemption from the Coordinator or Director of the Redwine Honors Program for this specific co-curricular activity requirement. Exemption requests must be made at the beginning of each semester in which a legitimate scheduling conflict occurs.

We consider clashes with course meeting times to be one of the few legitimate scheduling conflicts. For example, a student could request to be exempt from the HPSC general meeting requirement if the meetings took place on Mondays at 6:00pm, the same time that student meets for MCOM 2213: Appreciation of Film.

Students granted an exemption for this requirement should write “Exempt” for the Honors Meeting category on the activity form. HPSC general meeting exemptions expire at the end of each semester and must be requested again in subsequent semesters.

Honors Staff reserve the right to deny a student this accommodation, especially if the student waits to inform us of their conflict until the very end of the term.

Note: Students who work part-time jobs or who train as student-athletes will be expected to make arrangements in advance with their supervisors or coaches to attend an HPSC general meeting during the semester. In other words, working a part-time job or training as a student-athlete are not considered legitimate scheduling conflicts.

What counts as an honors community service event?

Each semester the HPSC Service Subcommittee will collaborate with Honors Staff to coordinate several honors-sanctioned service events and initiatives that will take place at various times and dates. Only participation in these events or initiatives can count for honors service credit.

All honors-sanctioned service events and initiatives will be announced and promoted through both email and honors social media (primarily Facebook). Students are responsible for monitoring their email and/or honors social media throughout each semester for updates on honors service opportunities.

Examples of past honors service events and/or initiatives include campus-wide blood drives, participation in the MSU Sikes Lake Cleanup or Together We Make a Difference Day initiatives, collecting donations for the Burns Fantasy of Lights, delivering food to frontline healthcare workers, crafting holiday cards for senior living residents, building a Little Library, and serving as a Peer Mentor at the Honors Mini-Retreat.

Note: Serving as a Peer Leader for one of the honors sections of MWSU 2003 cannot be reported as community service on the activity form.

Do Honors LLP service events hosted by the honors RA count for honors service credit?



Conferences & Field Trips

What satisfies the conference/field trip attendance requirement?

Honors students who attend or present at a local, area, state, regional, or national academic (undergraduate or professional) or non-academic conference or symposium may report their participation for conference credit.

Examples of conferences or symposiums that satisfy this honors requirement include the annual Honors Symposium and National Collegiate Honors Council (NCHC) and Great Plains Honors Council (GPHC) annual conferences; the UGRCA Forum and Spring Celebration of Scholarship; iLEAD and weCONNECT student leadership conferences; and professional development conferences affiliated with Greek life or honorary societies.

Participation in an MSU Texas sponsored event in which the honors student travels to an off-campus location with a Midwestern affiliated organization, program, department, team, or class can fulfill a field trip credit.

Examples of events that count as field trips include ‘Get on the Bus’ LLP trips for residents of Legacy Hall; NCHC Partners in the Parks excursions; away games for student-athletes or students who perform in the Golden Thunder Marching Band; traveling with the Arts & Literature Society to the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth, TX; taking a class tour of the Riverside Cemetery in Wichita Falls, TX; or performing in the regional Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival in Norman, OK, as part of MSU Texas Theatre.

Please contact Honors Staff should you wonder whether your attendance or participation in an event can satisfy a conference or field trip credit.

Note: A class trip to the Wichita Falls Museum of Art (WFMA) does not count as a field trip; the WFMA is part of the MSU Texas campus. Also, MSU Texas ‘home’ sports games, meaning those that occur in Wichita Falls, TX, do not count for field trip credit.

How long must I attend a conference or symposium to receive credit?

Honors students attending rather than presenting at a conference or symposium must attend a minimum of three (3) sessions or four (4) hours of presentations— whichever is longer—to receive conference credit.

A written summary of the student’s conference experience must be submitted to Honors Staff with other documentation materials in order to receive credit. See the “Conference/Field Trip Attendance” form located on the program website for documentation requirements.

If I attend or present at a conference or symposium, or participate in an MSU Texas field trip, during the summer or winter break, can I still report my activity for conference or field trip credit?

Yes. Honors students may earn a conference or field trip credit during the summer and winter breaks. Participation in a conference or field trip taking place during a break should be reported on the next long semester (i.e., fall or spring) activity form.

If I present original research at a conference or symposium, do I receive additional benefits on my activity form?

Yes. Honors students who present original research at conferences or symposiums may receive two conference credits instead of one: one credit for attending and another credit for presenting.

Students must report their conference or symposium presentation on their activity form and submit the appropriate documentation to receive both conference credits.

See the “Conference/Field Trip Attendance” form located on the program website for documentation requirements.

If I’m required to present my research at the MSU Texas UGRCA Forum or Spring Celebration of Scholarship for a class, can I still report it for conference presentation credit?

No. Only undergraduate research presented on an optional or voluntary basis can be reported for conference presentation credit

Where can I find the requirements for reporting my participation in a conference or field trip?

All requirements for reporting participation in a conference or field trip can be found on the “Conference/Field Trip Attendance” form, which is located on the program’s website.

Do I have to submit documentation for honors conferences/field trips, including field trips for honors courses?

Yes, with some modifications. An honors student who attends an honors conference or field trip does not need to submit a copy of the conference program or an announcement for the field trip (e.g., a flyer or course timeline); however, all other documentation requirements apply.

See the “Conference/Field Trip Attendance” form located on the program website for more details on documentation requirements.

Am I required to submit documentation for Honors LLP field trips like the Housing ‘Get on the Bus’ excursions?

Yes. See the “Conference/Field Trip Attendance” form located on the program website for documentation requirements.

If I don’t submit the appropriate documentation materials for my conference or field trip, will I still receive credit for reporting it on my activity form?

No. Students who fail to submit all necessary documentation for their reported conference or field trip will not receive credit for their participation.


Accountability Measures

When is the honors activity form due?

It is the student’s responsibility to submit a completed activity form by 5:00pm on the last day of classes. To be clear, “the last day of classes” refers to the Friday before Final Exams week.

What are the consequences for submitting a late activity form?

An honors student who submits his or her activity form after the deadline will receive an infraction on their student record, which will impact his or her scholarship eligibility for the following semester.

See the “The Three Strikes Rule” in the Honors Student Handbook for more details.

What are the consequences for submitting an incomplete activity form?

An honors student who submits an incomplete activity form will receive an infraction on his or her student record for each activity deficiency. S/he will be expected to make up these missing activities on the following semester’s activity form.

For example, a student who submits an activity form missing a RED Talk and three (3) activity points will receive two (2) infractions on his or her student record. This student will be expected to report two (2) RED Talks and 28 activity points the following semester, in addition to an HPSC general meeting and honors service event required to complete the co-curricular requirement for that term.

An honors student who fails to report at least 15 activity points on his or her activity form will receive a strike on their student record, lose their good standing in the program, and lose scholarship eligibility for the following semester. This student will be expected to report a complete activity form with at least 25 points in the subsequent term in order to regain his or her good standing in the program.

See the “The Three Strikes Rule” in the Honors Student Handbook for more details.

What are the consequences for failing to submit an activity form?

An honors student who fails to submit an activity form for a given semester will receive a strike on his or her student record, lose their good standing in the program, and lose scholarship eligibility for the following semester.

Honors Staff will send the student an electronic request for his or her activity form. If the student fails to submit an activity form after this request has been made, Honors Staff will assume the student has no interest in continuing as a member of the program, remove the student from the honors roster, and close his or her student file.


Please direct all questions and concerns not addressed in this F.A.Q. to Honors Staff at (940) 397-4534 or . We will be happy to assist you.






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Activity Form F.A.Q.

Activity Form FAQ
Conference/Field Trip Requirement

All honors students must attend at least two (2) conferences or field trips before they graduate in order to complete the honors program curriculum; students may alternatively present at a conference to fulfill this expectation.

Conference or field trip attendance should be reported on the student’s Activity Form. A “Conference/Field Trip Attendance Form” must also be submitted to Honors Staff with appropriate documentation (see the “Conference/Field Trip Attendance Form” for more details).

Please refer to the “Activity Form F.A.Q.” for any questions or concerns you may have regarding the honors co-curricular activity and conference/field trip requirements. If this resource fails to address your concern(s), please contact Honors Staff at (940) 397-4534 or We’ll be happy to assist you.