London. Home of Westminster Abbey, Harrod's Department Store, and, for a summer, YOU. Please visit our Study Abroad in Art page for more information!

(Core Art Media Production) Georgia O'Keefe, Robert Smithson and Andy Goldsworthy all enjoyed, and enjoy, working outdoors. For two days every fall semester, so do MSU Art students and faculty. Please visit our C.A.M.P. page for more information!

"Give me a museum and I'll fill it." - Pablo Picasso
Each fall and spring semester, MSU art students and faculty take a trip to museums in the area to get a look at work created by other artists.

Featuring Guest Artist Beth Galston
The West Foundation has generously supported the Wichita Falls Independent School District by providing practicing artists as mentors to secondary students for a two-week art workshop. The program was open to WFISD secondary students who provided samples of their work and an essay of intent.
The selection committee chose fifteen outstanding students to participate. The primary guest sculptor, Beth Galston of Boston, led the students toward the completion of one or more art pieces that was displayed at the Wichita Falls Museum of Art at Midwestern State University from June 26th to early August, 2009.
Please visit the ArtFest09 website for more information.