Academic Adjustments/Modifications

Appropriate academic adjustments create an equal access to education, as long as they do not require a substantial change in an essential element of the curriculum. Colleges are not required to reduce or waive any of the essential requirements of a course or program.

Colleges are required to provide any reasonable accommodation that may be necessary for equal access to education. Accommodations are designed to ensure equal access and “level the playing field” versus guarantee academic success. Colleges are not required to design special programs for students with disabilities or have Individualized Educational Plans (IEP’s)

Copy of Class Notes - Standard Procedures

If the student requires note-taking assistance, Disability Support Services provides carbonless paper and/or Xerox copies to all students registered with our office upon request.  Arrangements for picking up and/or delivery of these items need to be predetermined between the student and the notetaker.  If the notetaker assumes responsibility for contact with our office, they will need to identify the student whom they are assisting.  (Please note—Xerox copies may not always be immediately available.  Extra time will need to be allowed depending on workload of office at the time of request.)

The procedure to obtain note-taking assistance:

  1. Try to find a volunteer classmate to assist with providing copies of notes.  
  2. If you are unable to find a volunteer classmate, ask the instructor for their assistance in locating someone. Instructors may make an anonymous appeal.
  3. If the previous steps have proven unsuccessful, contact our office for further assistance. In order to proceed with further efforts on your behalf, we will need to be informed of the steps that you have taken already —so please be prepared with this information.


Tutor Information

Disability Support Services does not provide tutorial services.  Tutorial services must be obtained and funded privately.  However, MSU does provide tutoring assistance through the Tutoring Center. 


Classroom Absences

The Dean of Students Office provides assistance for notification of faculty in emergency situations (i.e., death in the family, illness). They can be contacted at (940) 397-6273. The following is a general list of standards by which they operate:

  1. One day absence—Student needs to speak with each classroom instructor giving the reason for their absence.
  2. Multiple days—Student contacts the Dean of Students Office for assistance in notifying instructors.
  3. Extended leave (several days or one week)—Student contacts the Dean of Students Office for assistance in notifying instructors; plus, student needs to provide medical documentation to same office.

PLEASE NOTE—Ultimately, the number of absences allowed is solely at the instructor’s discretion.  The Dean of Students Office as well as our office cannot require an instructor to excuse absences.  We can only provide information to help the instructor understand the nature of the circumstances.

If the student has leniency on absences, based on a disability, and the absence is related to the documented disability, then the student may contact the DSS for assistance. 


Course Substitutions

Course substitutions may be granted if a documented disability presents adequate proof of the need.  Substitutions are determined by consultation with the student, advisor and the dean of the college in which the student is majoring.  Substitutions may not be granted is to do so would require a substantial change in an essential element of the curriculum. Colleges are not required to reduce or waive any of the essential requirements of a course or program.