Purchase of/ Restocking of First Aid Supplies

Restocking or replacing existing first aid kits will conform to a uniform standard approved by the University Physician and the Department of Environmental Health & Safety. (Refer to University Policy 7-4, First Aid Kits.) Any manufacturer’s kit may be used provided the contents comply with the restrictions listed in the policy, however, free replacement supplies will not be provided.

After a department purchases the initial first aid kit, the Department of Environmental Health & Safety furnishes replacement supplies at no cost to requesting departments except for the CPR Barrier Device which is supplied at a cost of $6.50. To purchase first aid kits, visit Webforms for Request for Service - Environmental Health and Safety.

Departments which perform field research or work in remote off-campus locations may benefit from a more extensive first aid kit. The need for these, and the items to include in them, should be discussed with DEHS.

For replacement supplies, please contact DEHS

If you have any questions regarding first aid kits, please feel free to contact DEHS or call x8475.


First Aid Kits


Section: Campus Safety and Security Policies
Policy Name: First Aid Kits
Policy Owner: Executive Vice President
Responsible University Office: Office of Environmental Health and Safety
Origination Date: October 1, 1981
Revisions: September 1, 1988; June 5, 1989; January 10, 1995; June 21, 1999; February 17, 2006; February 10, 2014
Legacy Policy Number: 7-04
  1. PURPOSETo establish a uniform standard approved by the University Physician and the Department of Environmental Health and Safety for First Aid Supplies.
    1. University Department offices and all University laboratories should make accessible first aid kits for use by the University community.
    2. Any manufacturer’s kit may be used provided the contents comply with the restrictions listed in this policy.
    3. First Aid Kits are available from the Department of Environmental Health and Safety and may be obtained by following the procedure outlined on their web site here.
    4. First Aid Kits should be visible or a sign should be displayed indicating its storage location.
    5. Contents of First Aid Kits are limited to the following types of supplies: bandages, plastic strips, cold packs, soap towelettes, examination gloves, scissors, tweezers, adhesive tape, compresses, and CPR barrier devices. The following departments are exempted from this limitation: Department of Public Safety, Student Health Services, Athletic Training Program, Residence Life and CMS Research Vessels.
    6. Do not dispense or administer any medications, including common pain relievers.
    7. Do not put any ointments or creams on wounds or burns; use ice, cold pack or cold water.
    8. Always call 911 to obtain qualified medical assistance for persons who require medical treatment. If you are trained and provide first aid, direct or transport the injured person to a medical facility for further evaluation. Reference the procedure here.
    9. Wear examination gloves and eye protection when rendering assistance for any situation involving contact with blood or other bodily fluids.