Employer Resources

Helping to connect you with talented Mustangs.

Have Career Opportunities?

MustangsHIRE.org powered by Handshake is your one-stop shop to post jobs, internships, and volunteer opportunities, register to attend our career fairs, review student resumes, and share your organizations career events. Get started today!

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Two MSU Texas students hold up the Mustangs Hand Sign during a Career Fair.

Career Fairs at MSU Texas

Fall 2024 Job Fair Events

  • Part-Time Job Fair - 9/4/24 - 11:30am - 1:00pm (Clark Student Center Atrium)
  • Careers in Business Job Fair - 10/23/24 - 9:00am - 12:00pm (Dillard Building 189)

Spring 2025 Job Fair Events

  • Part-Time Job Fair - 3/20/25 - 11:30am - 1:00pm (Clark Student Center Atrium)
  • Careers in Business Job Fair - 3/26/25 - 9:00am - 12:00pm (Dillard Building 189)
  • Careers in Technology Job Fair - 3/26/25 - 3:00pm - 4:30pm (McCoy Hall)
  • Careers in Education Job Fair - 3/28/25 - 9:30am - 11:30am (Redwine Wellness Center)

For more information and to register, visit the MustangsHIRE.org powered by Handshake System.

As a former resident of Wichita Falls for 23 years and Alumni it has been a pleasure coming back to MSU. The Career Management Center has been fantastic in partnering with PrimeSource Building Products the past few years. We have been able to hire several new grads from MSU and present in various classes.

Kaleb Laughlin
Kaleb Laughlin
National Account Manager, PrimeSource Building Products, Inc.
Class of 2022 Bachelor of Business Administration, Finance & MBA Business Analytics Dillard College of Business Administration
Two students engage with a potential employer at the career fair.

Want to Interview Our Students on Campus?

MSU Texas students and alumni are eager to visit with you in a one-on-one setting. Let us help you secure an interview space to conduct interviews with our proud Mustangs!

Additional Recruitment & Professional Development Opportunities

The CMC is happy to host your organization for an information table. This provides you the opportunity to recruit our students in one of the buildings on (the Most Beautiful Campus in Texas--shameless plug!) campus. We will supply your organization with a table and chairs.

We also conduct professional development activities for students and alumni. As an employer, your organization can present to a class about various workplace topics. Topics could include resume writing, interviewing skills, workplace ethics, and dining etiquette.

 Several students converse with a pilot who attended the Career Fair hosted by the Career Management Center.

Employer FAQs

What is an Internship?

Employers benefit by opportunities to recruit, guide, and evaluate upcoming talent as well as invest in the organization's success.

Students benefit by opportunities to gain valuable applied experience and make connections in professional fields.

What Are the Benefits of an Internship?

Employers benefit by opportunities to recruit, guide, and evaluate upcoming talent as well as invest in the organization's success.

  • A cost-effective method to meet both immediate and long-range human resource needs.
  • Opportunity to evaluate potential career employees.
  • Students can perform well on some professional=level assignments, thus freeing career employees for more advanced responsibilities.
  • Decreases turnover of graduates in career positions.
  • Co-op arrangements are ideal for technology transfer.
  • Workforce diversity.
  • Fosters on-going, productive relations with Midwestern State University.

Students benefit by opportunities to gain valuable applied experience and make connections in professional fields.

  • Provides an opportunity to test classroom learning in a real world environment.
  • Develops professional skills including presentation, writing, and technical skills.
  • Enables students to see a more direct relationship between a college major and full-time employment while they integrate work experience with their classroom knowledge.
  • Provides a means of earning money to cover a portion of college expenses.
  • Improves after-graduation employment (or graduate school) prospects by providing the student with transferable, relevant work experience.
  • Starting salaries for graduates with internship experience are consistently higher than students that graduate without an internship.
  • Interns are able to participate in their field of study with professionals in a work environment on a day-to-day basis.

Are You Prepared for an MSU Texas Intern?

  • MSU Texas offers internship registration options for students in several undergraduate and graduate majors. Students must work between 120 and 150 hours to receive 3 credits and may receive a maximum of 6-12 hours in internship credit, depending on the major.
  • Since   Fall 2021, MSU Texas students have received   1,918 course credits  of internships which represents   more than 230,000 hours  of workforce-based educational experience in businesses, community organizations, educational groups, government agencies, and healthcare facilities.
  • The table below shows the areas where students may receive academic credit toward their degrees. The programs in bold, where ug is undergraduate and gr is graduate, require an internship for graduation.
Program Details
Business (UG and GR) Internship to gain applicable business experiences toward the major in accounting, business administration, business analytics and information systems, economics, finance, legal studies, management, and marketing
Computer Science (UG) Internship with an approved business/organization
Counseling (GR) Two semesters of internship totaling 240 direct and 360 indirect hours
Criminal Justice (GR) Internship in a selected government agency
Education (GR) Practicum with a mentor in the educational field
English (UG) Internship writing and/or editing in a workplace for a community or professional organization
Exercise Physiology (UG and GR) Internship in a professional exercise setting
History (GR) Historical research in a professional setting
Humanities (UG) Internship in a local cultural institution
Mass Communication (UG) Mass communication setting in business or nonprofit
Political Science (UG) Internship with selected government agencies
Psychology (UG) Internship with selected agencies in the psychology field
Sports Administration (GR) Practicum working with professionals in sports management
Sports and Leisure Studies (UG) Internship in recreation, leisure or sport
STEM (UG) Field experience in science, technology, engineering or mathematics

To Host an MSU Texas Intern

First, contact the MSU Texas Career Management Center (CMC) at (940) 397-4473 or by email at cmc@msutexas.edu. The CMC will assist with:

  1. Building your company profile in Handshake — the most widely used job platform for college students and used by MSU Texas.
  2. Building your internship posting.
  3. Soliciting applications from the MSU Texas student body through social platforms, emails, etc.
  4. If your company is interested in the internship being offered for academic credit - which we highly recommend - the CMC will connect you with the appropriate MSU Texas academic department to guide you through the academic credit process.

About MSU Texas Academic Interns

MSU Texas student interns have received academic credit from experiences that have shown them how to apply their educational experiences in a real-world setting. Recent internships by MSU Texas students include:

  • Legislative intern for Texas District 3 Congressman Keith Self
  • Biomedical informatics at National Institutes of Health
  • Computer science internship at Electronic Transaction Consultants
  • Accounting internships at Freemon, Shapard & Story
  • Solutions Architecture intern for Ellucian

Connect with Us on Social Media

Get tips, news, and updates by following us on social media!

Connect with Us!
Career Management Center
Clark Student Center, Room 173

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday
8:00-5:00 p.m.

Email: cmc@msutexas.edu
Phone: 940.397.4473

Campus Map
Last Modified: 02/25/2025