Table of Contents & Appendix
- 1.1Purpose of the Student Handbook and Clinic Manual
- 1.2Change of Address/Phone No. While in Program
- 1.3ADHA Code of Professional Ethics for the Dental Hygienist
- 1.4MSU Dental Hygiene Department Standard of Care /Patient Rights Policies
- 1.5Discontinuation of Treatment Policy
- 1.6Patient Health Information Security
- 1.6-2Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (Articles)
- 1.6-2Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (Articles)
- 1.7Complaints Relating to Compliance with Accreditation Standards
Section 1.1 through 1.7 download here
- 2.0Competencies for Entry into the Profession of Dental Hygiene
- 2.1Dental Hygiene Program Mission Statement and Goals
- 2.2Role and Mission of The College of Health Sciences
- 2.3Technical Standards & Essentials Functions for the Dental Hygienist
- 2.4Courses in Dental Hygiene
- 2.5Dental Hygiene Grading/ Counseling / Probation Policies
- 2.6Attendance Policy
- 2.7CPR Certification Policy
- 2.8Professionalism Protocol
- 2.9Guidelines for Professional Appearance
- 2.10Licensure Requirements
- 2.11College of HSHS Student Conduct Appeals
Section 2.0 through 2.11 download here
- 3.1Policy Statements
- 3.1-1MSU Dental Hygiene Program Infection Control Policy Statement
- 3.1-2CDC Guidelines for Infection Control in Dental Health-Care Settings (2003)
CDC Guideline for Disinfection & Sterilization in Health care Facilities (2008) - 3.1-3Dental Hygiene Department Bloodbourne Infectious Disease Policy
- 3.1-4MSU’s Policies and Procedures AIDS/HIV Infection
- 3.2MSU Personal Protection Protocol
- 3.2-1Gloves / Masks / Eyewear /Clinic Attire
- 3.2-2Immunizations
- 3.2-3Needle Recapping and Sharps Disposal
- 3.2-4Clinical Exposure Protocol (HIV and/or Hepatitis Exposure)
- 3.2-5Post Exposure Consent for Exam & Testing Forms
- 3.2-6Post Exposure Report Form
- 3.3Disposal of Contaminated Wastes / Sharps
- 3.4Chemical Hygiene Plan
- 3.5Environment Surface and Equipment Cleaning & Disinfection
- 3.5-1Surface Covers & Disinfection
- 3.5-2Unit Preparation for the First Patient of the Day
- 3.5-3Unit Clean-up Between Patients
- 3.5-4Unit Shut Down- Daily / Weekly / Monthly Processes
- 3.6Instrument Preparation and Sterilization
- 3.6-1Instrument / IMS System (Cassettes) Preparation for Sterilization
- 3.6-2Biological Monitoring of Sterilizers
- 3.6-3Broken Instrument Tips
Section 3.0 through 3.6-2 download here
- 4.1Ionizing Radiation Policy
- 4.2Radiation Safety Protocol
- 4.3Infection Control in Radiology Areas
- 4.4Procedures for Taking Radiographs
- 4.5Radiograph Placement Criteria
- 4.6Submission for Grading Documentation
- 4.7Operation of the A/T2000 Film Processor
Section 4.1 through 4.7 download here
- 5.0Introduction & Table of Contents
- 5.1Medical Emergencies (Code Blue) Procedures
- 5.2Laboratory Medical Emergencies (Code Blue) Procedures
- 5.3Requests for Medical / Dental Consult
- 5.4ASA Physical Status Classifications
- 5.5Management of Specific Medically Compromised Patients
- 5.5-1Recommendations for Prophylactic Antibiotics & Patient Management Suggestions
- 5.5-2Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection
- 5.5-3Hepatitis
- 5.5-4Hypertension
- 5.5-5Diabetes
- 5.5-6Cerebrovascular Accident
- 5.5-7Seizure Disorders
- 5.5-8Anticoagulant Therapy
- 5.5-9End Stage Renal Disorders- Hemodialysis
- 5.5-10Chemo & Radiation Therapy / Bisphosphonate Risk Clearance
- 5.5-11Blood Disorders -Hemophilia & Sickle Cell Disease
- 5.5-12Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s)
- 5.5-13Organ Transplants
- 5.5-14Bisphosphonates
Section 5.0 through 5.5-14 download here
- 6.1Appointment Times
- 6.2Clinical Protocol for Appointments
- 6.3Sequence of Student/Faculty Activities
- 6.4Clinic Grading Scales
- 6.5Clinical Grade Sheet
- 6.6Student Clinical Progress Report Form (Class 3+/4)
- 6.7Clinical Assistant/Receptionist Rotations
- 6.7-1Clinic Receptionist Rotation Objectives
- 6.7-2Clinical Receptionist Grade Sheet
- 6.7-3Clinical Assistant Rotation Objectives
- 6.7-4Clinical Assistant Grade Sheet
Section 6.1 through 6.7-4 download here
- 7.0Performance Checks for Clinical Procedures – Introduction & Table of Contents
- 7.1Health History Review
- 7.2Vital Signs - Blood Pressure & Pulse
- 7.3Extra-oral exam
- 7.4Intra-oral exam
- 7.5Clinical Practice I (Pre-clinic) Manual Instrumentation
- 7.6Coronal Polishing
- 7.7Clinical Practice II Management of Class 2 Patient Treatment
- 7.8Clinical Practice III & IV Management of Class 3-4 Patient Treatment
- 7.9Alginate Impression
- 7.10Diagnostic Models
- 7.11Care of Removable Prosthesis
- 7.12Ultrasonic Scaling
- 7.13Pit and Fissure Sealant Application
- 7.14Fluoride Treatments
- 7.15OPEN
- 7.16Preventive Counseling- Nutritional, Plaque Removal, Tobacco Cessation
- 7.17Topical Anesthetic Application
- 7.18Local Anesthetic Assistance
- 7.19Prophy-Jet Air Polishing
- 7.20Site-specific Antimicrobials
Section 7.0 through 7.20 download here
- APPENDIX AAir/Water Syringe AND Waterline Asepsis Procedure
- APPENDIX BSaliva Ejector/High Volume Suction
- APPENDIX CHandpieces
- APPENDIX DADEC Decade Dental Chair/ Clinician
- APPENDIX EUltrasonic Instrument Cleaners
- APPENDIX FMidmark Ultraclave Sterilizers
- APPENDIX IA/T 2000 Automatic Processors
- APPENDIX JBobcat Ultrasonic Scaler
- APPENDIX KProphy-Jet Air Polisher
- APPENDIX LCuring Lights
- APPENDIX NMSU Calculus Classifications
- APPENDIX OAAP Periodontal Classifications / MSU Pocket Depth Classifications
- APPENDIX PPatient Paperwork
- P-1Application for Treatment & Release Form
- P-2Medical History Forms
- P-3Intra/Extraoral Inspection Forms
- P-4Charting Forms
- P-5Risk Assessment Form
- P-6Treatment Plan & Informed Consent Form
- P-7Treatment Summary
- P-8Patient Referral Form
- P-9Bisphosphonates Consent Form
- P-10Insurance Form
- P-11Request for Dental/Medical Consult Form
- APPENDIX RRadiology Forms
- APPENDIX SStudent Clinic Progress Form