The Master of Education degree with a major in Educational Leadership prepares students for school leadership roles. The program provides opportunities for students to learn and apply knowledge, skills, and dispositions set forth in the National Educational Leadership Preparation (NELP) standards.
The Doctor of Education degree in Educational Leadership purports to instill in its students the capacity and motivation for ongoing scholarly endeavors that will enable them to contribute to the knowledge base of the profession and guide educational organizations through sound research-based decisions as they work in executive leadership positions.
As educators, we have the privilege of helping to shape students’ lives and impacting our society. As we deal with an ever-changing world that influences students’ needs, we must continue to develop and grow. We are committed to providing current, research grounded educational strategies and technological advances to our graduate level students in a collegial, nurturing environment.
We offer a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership with principal certification and a Principal Certification Only program (for those who already hold a Master’s degree) for aspiring administrators. For those who are not working as a certified teacher but are interested in educational leadership, we have the Master’s Degree of Educational Leadership with no certification program.
Additionally, we have two programs that are designed to meet specific needs. Our Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership with a concentration in Sports Administration is available for those who are looking for leadership preparation and a principal certification but are interested in school sports leadership. The Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership with a concentration in Special Education is a designed for those are interested in leadership roles in their district within the area of special education but also desire principal certification.
The Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership (EdD) program seeks to prepare its students through a coupling of fundamental knowledge-based theory, disciplined empirical inquiry, and the tenets of professional practice. Students who complete the Ed.D program are eligible to apply for Texas Superintendent Certification upon satisfactory completion of relevant coursework, practicum and state examination.
The MSU Educational Leadership program will prepare you not only to be eligible for certification but also to be competent to do the job. There are many ways to get a principal certificate, but our goal is that you will be well prepared to perform the tasks of an educational leader in our current challenging environment.
If you are interested in a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership with principal certification, Educational Leadership with a concentration in Sports Administration, Educational Leadership with a concentration in Special Education, Educational Leadership with no certification, a principal certification only (if you already have a master’s degree), or a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership Degree, please contact me for further details. We would love to work with you!